Calls for fairness in Sunday S.O.E. laws

Eteuati Paulo, 47, Moamoa
These Chinese construction workers shouldn't be working on Sunday. It is a day of rest and the day to worship God. These people are working in our country so they should follow our rules. I once worked for a Chinese construction company and we were told that we had to work on Sundays. I rejected working on Sundays because I grew up as a Christian and we are taught to rest on Sunday. They should stop this right now because if the Government is currently ordering us to stay home on Sunday then so should the Chinese construction workers.
Pelusi Samoa, 23, Falefa
Samoa is a country that is founded on God so people should rest on Sunday. Why are we stopped from doing anything on Sunday while the Chinese construction workers continue their work on Sunday? How can they expect us to obey the state of emergency orders if nothing is being done to these people working on Sunday? We currently don't go to church on Sunday because of current orders from the Government but if the Chinese people are working then we should be allowed to go back to church.
Alaisa Leitua, 47, Vaitele
These people have to follow the laws like everyone else. The buses are currently allowed back to operate then the churches should now be open too. If the Government tells us to stay home on Sunday then the Chinese construction workers should stop their work too. This is our country, not China's. If you live in our country then follow our rules.
Collin Misili, 23, Lepea
If they are working on Sunday then we should be allowed to go back to Church. It is said in the Holy Bible that there are 6 days for us to work and one day to rest which is Sunday. What we should do on Sunday is worship God and pray to him for the other 6 days that we are using for work. No work should be done at all on Sunday.
Muliau Isa, 70, Vailoa
Their work on Sunday should be stopped. Sunday is a day of rest and that is the day we worship the Lord. If these Chinese people are currently living in our country then they should follow our laws. We are currently on lockdown and we have been stopped from going to churches on Sunday. These Chinese construction workers shouldn't be working on Sunday because our country is a Christian country and we should all rest on Sunday.