How do we address number of alcohol-related deaths?
The growing number of alcohol-related deaths is alarming. Hardly a month goes by without several incidents where precious lives are wasted due to alcohol abuse and drinking sessions gone wrong. What can we as a country do to stop these unnecessary deaths? What is your solution? Ilia L. Likou asked in today’s Street Talk and this is what people said:
Ali Fa’afetai, 37, Toamua.
My solution is very simple – if you can’t handle your alcohol then don’t drink. The number of deaths in Samoa has increased significantly from day to day because of alcohol abuse. Drinking too much can harm your health and then you eventually die.
James Tavana, 47, Vailoa
We all know that increased alcohol consumption leads to people dying. I think the problem now with our country is the excessive consumption of alcohol. The government needs to look into this matter again. I think alcohol is so easy to access in Samoa and that’s where we need to start.
Iese Faleafa, 16, Samauga
In Samoa, youth nowadays when they get drunk come on the main road and scream or swear. In their mind, everything they say is true. But little do they know people are calling them stupid because of their actions. To be honest, they need a 2x4 piece of wood in the head as an everyday reminder that what they are doing is wrong. So my solution is to give them some tough love for their stupidity.
Joe Kaleopa, 17, Tulaele
Many young ones have ended up in the hospital because of alcohol or something very stupid and silly. My solution is that everything starts at home. If you educate people about proper behaviour, they will not stray from it. But if you continue to ignore these issues, they will continue to confront us as they are getting worse.
Kini Kini, 26, Vaimea
Too much alcohol is a leading cause of death in Samoa. I know many people are blaming the parents but that’s not right. It’s the youth themselves that are fighting over something very small and then end up at the hospital. The truth is, if you can’t help yourselves, then God can’t help you. We need to ask why people are getting themselves involved with alcohol. That’s the only way to solve this problem.