Bad weather up ahead, time to prepare

Fa’afetai Kolio, 19, Fagali’i
We need to prepare now. We shouldn’t wait until the last minute. People should do their shopping now while it is still safe. Food and supplies should be stocked up. Flashlights and oil lamps should be bought because obviously there will be power outages during a cyclone. Windows should be boarded up and roofs should be secured. Most importantly, make sure your family is safe.
Sydney Wilson, 80, New South Wales Australia
Everything should be checked before a cyclone hits. Any loose wood should be checked and anything lying around the ground should be removed because of course during a cyclone, things will be flying around due to the strong winds.
Jacob Seneti, 34, Salailua and Saleaumua
It all depends on what the local government has set in place. Their messages and instructions should be received by the public to ensure safety. If everyone is aware of the situation then I believe people will be safe. The chiefs of the villages should go out into their village during cyclone preparation to make sure everyone is safe. Cyclones are not a new thing to Samoa and we already know how to prepare well for one. The young and elderly are the most vulnerable in these situations so they need to be well looked after.
Adrian Stowers, 20, Moata’a
In my own opinion when a cyclone is near, we need to prepare our families and make sure they are safe. Safety always comes first. If where you are living is not safe they you should relocate your family to a safer position. In times like this, we need to prepare early and not wait for the last minute.
Sam Seupule, 22, Siusega
We should prepare now before the cyclone arrives. What will you do if it arrives earlier than expected but you haven’t done your shopping? Don’t wait for the last minute. Candles, flashlights and food should be stocked up because shops won’t be open during a cyclone. Prepare well and make sure your family is safe.
Manaia Salesa, 21, Taufusi
Family safety should always be first, which means the house should be secured. Children and the elderly should be looked after during a cyclone. Essentials such as flashlights and food should be stored for cyclone preparation. If we put our trust in the Lord then we will be safe from the cyclone.