Public back Government's sports sponsorship
Aloleilua Junior Fuimaono, 35, Vaitele Fou
Government ministries' sponsorship of sports in Samoa is good because the people who are playing in those sports are Samoans. There will be benefits for the players as well as the sponsoring government ministries. Benefits to the players include developing their talents in the sport. If the athlete is a Samoan why can't the government support them? It is the right thing and this shows the government is doing something for its people.
Ausi Ausane Tom Misimoa, 42, Vaitele Fou
Government sponsorship of sports in Samoa is great because it will develop the code – whether it is boxing, football or other sports – the athletes don't only represent themselves but the country too. Fundraising for teams to participate in international tournaments is always a challenge, getting government support and sponsorship helps the teams. At the end of the day the government benefits and the players improve in their sports. The ministries also get to be acknowledged by the players.
Losivali Hill-Matthew, 70, Fasitoo-tai
I totally support government sponsorship and support for players in any sport here in Samoa, because the people who are playing are Samoans and they should be sponsored them by the government. The sponsorship will benefit the government and the athletes also get to improve their skills, thanks to the support and sponsorship and support of the government. Government sponsorship and support enables athletes to be elevated to the next level and ultimately the athletes' families benefit.
Peati Eria, 63, Fagaola Maasina
It is a great idea to have government ministries sponsor sports as it enables players to develop his or her talent in the sport. Just like soccer, if government ministries sponsor soccer, this will compel local players to train harder and play to the best of their abilities. That would also mean there is no need for fundraising as the ministry is supporting them.
Sala Sailivale, 19, Savaii
A government ministry should sponsor or support sports, regardless of whether it is volleyball, basketball and more. The sponsorship will contribute to the country's economic growth, help the player to improve their talents and lead to the signing of contracts with teams abroad. They will then be able to remit money back to their families. Government sponsorship will also boost their profile and lead to the growth of their talent in the sport.
Taua Muamai, 42, Lefaga
It is important for a government ministry to sponsor sports because this will help the sports to grow more, and people with talent can continue to develop and make it become very competitive. To me every Samoan person is very supportive of a Samoan who has talent in the sport and this is also why the government ministry should go down that path. The benefit is that the ministry will be well known by people within the sporting fraternities such as weightlifting and boxing.