Measles epidemic alarms members of the public

Paoa Vagana Farans, 24, Malifa
If I was infected with the measles I should not be near any other people because I should be concerned about other people's health and not only my personal health. But to prevent this from spreading around, the people with this disease should be removed from public areas, because it might affect other people, and people not affected by measles should move away from the people who are affected.
Atoa Taei, 68, Talimatau
To stop this virus from spreading, children should be prevented from playing in the dirt and keep everything clean, make sure that the kids are in healthy places, and stop them from being out in the sun all day. Another way to prevent this measles virus, people should cook food in a clean way, and make sure everything they use for cooking is clean and also parents should take good care of their children.
Pai Ropati,50, Tanugamanono
The virus is spread by air and for me it's good that we have to use surgical mask which will help the public to stop the spreading of the virus. Also we pray to God for help to prevent and protect us from this measles virus and ensure we keep children away from unhealthy areas during the rainy days. Parents should take good care for their children and make sure that when their children show symptoms of measles they should take their them to hospital and stop them interacting with anyone.
Afa Fagaaga, 56, Vaitele Fou
The only way to prevent this virus from spreading is to keep everything clean at all times but the main concern is the health of the children, because they can get infected very easily. Parents should keep their children away from playing in the rain, and clean their hands before dinner or after doing house work.
Ioane Sakaio, 56, Vailoa
For me the best way to protect yourself and prevent this virus from spreading is to wear a surgical mask in public areas for the safety of the people and also to protect other people. People who are affected should be separated from others as there is a risk of them infecting others with measles. Parents should keep everything within their households clean, like bathrooms as well as the outdoor.
Aleni Sufie, 23, Matautu
In terms of prevention people should drink lots of water for prevention and if the water is not clean or safe to drink, they should buy bottled water. We should also make sure that the environment we live in is clean. We must not allow children to play outside in the rain or in dirty and dusty areas.