“The Prime Minister deserves respect”
“The recent arrest and charging of King Faipopo – when he flew into Samoa for his mother’s funeral – has triggered a lot of public debate. Our reporter Soli Wilson meets members of the public to get their views on the issue.
Ekeroma Tasi, 32, Satapuala
They need to let King Faipopo go finish what he initially came for. Those are his last moments with his mother let him go. Let him finish before you touch him and do anything, and if you are going to do something, do it the proper way. I hope he wins his cases or gets the most minimum sentencing because King Faipopo was a voice for the voiceless.
Tulasunu’i Misa, 57, Malie
The Prime Minister is the father figure of our country and he has been saying ugly words towards our PM which means he should be charged and arrested. He’s violated the law. I have always known he was saying bad things towards our PM and finally he’s charged so that’s a good thing. This is why we have so many problems it’s because some people have no respect.
Ioane Talosaga, 23, Vaoala
Now we have seen that King Faipopo is charged and arrested I think this is not right. We shouldn’t have done this. We should have gone through the right way. Why isn’t there a court case first before arresting him? Do they have solid grounds? Everything has to be done the proper way. I am with King Faipopo on this one.
Sao Auapaau, 45, Sinamoga
I accept what the Police have done to lock him up and charge him. He’s been talking trash and so he deserves what he got. I agree with the charges because the PM is our leader and he put our whole country in shame, when he decided to talk against our PM, who led Samoa to be at a great level like where we are right now.
Sharlene Lemisio, 21, Alafua
He was too much anyway, he deserves it. They need to charge him for saying too many things about the PM. I feel sorry for his mother and the reason why he came to Samoa, but he has to be charged. He shouldn’t have done that to the Prime Minister, of all places he did it on such a public platform. Disgracing not only our PM but also the whole country.
Liz Tui, 42, Moamoa
I agree with the arresting of King Faipopo. We’ve all heard what he had to say about our PM, it’s not something you say to a leader of a country. He needs to go attend his mother’s funeral and then come and face the music with the charges and maybe have a one-on-one with the PM himself. But if anything, he deserves to be charged.