Do you support the call for a ban?
Samoa has attracted the world’s attention this week because of a call by the National Council of Churches to ban Islam in Samoa. The call follows an indication from the government that it might amend the Constitution to formalise Christianity as the official religion for Samoa. But that led to a call to ban Islam from the N.C.C, which recently celebrated its 50th birthday. What do you think? Ilia L. Likou asked in today’s Street Talk and this is what people said:
I don’t support this. There are so many factors we need to consider before we commit to this. We need to pray and ask if this is God’s will. The Constitution is sacred and it should be treated with respect. At the same time, as Christians, we have to respect other people like we expect them to respect us.
Vaitele Tai
I’m interested in all religions. However, I agree that the Constitution should be changed to recognise Christianity as the official religion of Samoa. People are killing each other because of different religions. In Samoa, we are serving the One True God, He is the one who gave up his life so that those who trust him could be forgiven. Yes, Christianity is the one true religion and the Constitution must be changed.
I don’t have much to say about this topic. All I understand clearly is that the Bible is the Word of God and Jesus is the Son of God – the savior of the world. No one else but through Him that we can find everlasting life. That is the truth and that’s all we need to know.
This is ridiculous. It’s arrogant call. Why is Christianity better than other religions? We must consider what it says in the Bible that ‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” There’s no need to change the Constitution.
I support the decision to change the Constitution. We are a Christian country and our laws should reflect that. I think all Samoans should get behind this change because we need to make the change very quickly. I don’t have anything against other religions but we cannot be ignorant about what we see on the news about terrorism and other deadly acts in the name of other religions.
I support the change to ban other religions in Samoa. That is a very good decision. We’re serving the One True God, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead but of the living, so we don’t need any other God. That’s the God all Christians worship.