Nofoalii Blackies celebrate 2020 success

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 January 2021, 3:00PM

The Nofoalii Blackies Rugby Club celebrated the success of the team in the 2020 season on Saturday in their village.

The local MP Tanuvasa Ili Setefano Tafili also attended the gathering and congratulated both the men and women’s teams on a job well done 

Tanuvasa acknowledged the contribution of the club’s president and the management and said there is a lot to celebrate for the 2020 season.

"Congratulations to the President, his board, coaches, managers and most especially the players who this day is for," said the Member. "Today we are celebrating the successful 2020 that our club has had. 

“If we look back at 2020, at the many struggles and hardships our nation has been facing, it has affected our club as well as the restrictions. 

“But our club was still working to put together a program to keep our youth occupied because these young people will be helping in the development of our country in some ways.”

The Taula Beverage representative, Lalogafau spoke on behalf of the company, saying that they will continue their sponsorship for the Nofoalii Blackies Rugby Club.

"On behalf of Taula Beverages, we all know that the old man's heart is our village, anything that happens in our village he will always stand up and lend a hand, not only in the village and church but our rugby club as well,” he added. “Our hope is for all of you to receive blessings for the future and rugby is a career. It's also good to see and know that some of our players have made it into the national teams.

"You guys are representing the district of Aana, and no one will ever look down on Aana because we are going up. We are happy to see you all make it big one day. Congratulations again.”

The Club President, Laufiso Tomasi Peni, acknowledged everyone who assisted the team last year and thanked them for their support. 

"I just want to acknowledge our sponsors, Tanuvasa Ili Setefano our Member of Parliament, Taimalie Ah Liki and Taula Beverages, Afamasaga Toesulusulu Rico Tupai, Agaseata Laki Sapolu, SSAB Megastore, Lilomaiava JP Penn, and Onze Siatulai Seiuli for their hard work and contribution. Also to our organizing committee, Tanupo Atapana, Aiofaiva Tana Malu, Talouli Peniamina, Onze Seiuli, and Auala," he said.

The following awards were presented on Saturday:

Senior A:

  • All year round best player - Agaseata Spencer Amosa received a trophy and a monetary gift from SSAB, and a certificate from Francis Peni.
  • Most Improved Player - Tauete Tanuvasa, received a trophy from Lilomaiava JP Penn, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from president Laufiso Tomasi.
  • Best captain/skipper -  Solo Viliamu, received a trophy from Lilomaiava JP Penn, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Laufiso Tomasi.
  • Rising Star - Filemoni Chee-Fau, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a gift voucher from SSAB.


  • All year round best player - Mathew Sae, received a trophy from SSAB, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Agaseata Laki Sapolu.
  • Most Improved Player - Panapa Viliamu, received a trophy from Lilomaiava JP Penn, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Tomasi Peni
  • Best captain - Misela Toialau, received a trophy from Lilomaiava JP Penn, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a gift voucher from SSAB.
  • Rising Star - Del Seiuli, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a gift voucher from SSAB.


  • All year round best player - Angie Tanuvasa, received a trophy from SSAB, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Agaseata Laki Sapolu.
  • Most Improved Player - Rebirth Paulo, received a trophy from Lilomaiava JP Penn, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Tomasi Peni.
  • Best captain - Sisifo Fautelevave, received a trophy from Tomasi Peni, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a gift voucher from SSAB.
  • Rising star - Anne Pesamino, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a gift voucher from SSAB

Additional prizes:

  • Best combination on the field - Mire Vaiaumoe and Aana Iupeli (Senior A), received gift vouchers and accessories from Tomasi Peni
  • Coach of the Year - Auala Taupo Sheppard, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a monetary gift from Onze Seiuli Siatulai
  • Assistant coach of the year - Faapito Metu, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a monetary gift from Onze Seiuli Siatulai
  • Best Supportive Official of 2020 - Punae Talouli and Selesa, received a monetary gift from Onze Seiuli Siatulai
  • Team Manager of the Year - Simeona Aiofaiva, received a certificate from Francis Peni and a monetary gift from Tomasi Peni
  • Water boy of the Year - Seti Matamua, received a Bluetooth speaker from SSAB
  • Player of the Fair Playing Field all year round - received a trophy from Hon Afamasaga Rico Tupai, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a $100 tala from Afamasaga.

The Nofoalii rugby club also acknowledged the effort of their touch champions the Nofoalii Drifters who won the touch tournament last year with their trophy courtesy of Tanuvasa Ili Setefano Taateo. Their all-year-round-best-player went to Wayneshute Sam Fau, who received a trophy from SSAB, a certificate from Francis Peni, and a monetary gift from Agaseata Laki Sapolu.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 January 2021, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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