Laumua o Punaoa opens door, adds new course

The Laumua o Punaoa Institute at Faleula opened its doors to the public on Friday.
The Open Day was a chance showcase the work done by the students throughout the year.
This year, the Faleula based school has introduced a new course called Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, of which four students have signed up to attend.
Principal, Reverend Selau Asiata, told the Samoa Observer that they provide a second opportunity for students who cannot make it to the National University of Samoa.
"Our Institute serves as a second option for Year 12 and Year 13 students who cannot reach the average score to be at the National University of Samoa (N.U.S)," he said.
"We are very happy to enroll them in our school and help them in choosing a career both either as a carpenter, welder, engineer or a chef."
Rev. Selau said he believes there are more ways for students to work towards their desired careers and Laumua offers another option.
He added that the pay for jobs like carpentry and welders are a lot higher than some office workers.
"The courses they are receiving here can guarantee them a good future," the Principal said.
"With the skills and knowledge that they are getting from this Institute, they will be able to earn more income to help in developing their families.
"As a matter of fact, those who graduate from University may land a good job in the office but those with these other special knowledge and skills, they are able to earn more than those other students. I am not saying this to belittle anyone but I am speaking from experience.
"For instance, I am now a Reverend but I am also responsible for giving out the license for the electricians."
He added that while some people look down on students who are attending courses such as the ones offered at Laumua, he disagrees saying the students have a very bright future.
Malo Pita Apelu, one of the students, is just as confident.
An Air Conditioning and Refrigeration student, he says that it is a very easy course if you're passionate about it.
"I am very fortunate to be a part of this course," he said.
"I know it looks dangerous but I am enjoying everything about this course. I have always wanted to become a person that fixes things and now I am studying in a course that fixes air cons and refrigerators.
"It is very challenging but not everything you get peacefully. We also need to work hard in order to achieve our goals."
Other Air Conditioning and Refrigeration students are Eneliko Simi, Andrew Sasagi, and Tuleti Tenny.
The course is being taught by Reverend Oliva Misa and Alotaseta Save.
Their Open day started with the traditional ava ceremony to welcome the guests.