Young Manamea leads triathlon team

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 05 September 2024, 9:00PM

Manamea Schwalger is the new captain of Samoa's national triathlon team, and she is on a mission to foster unity and support within her team.

"I’m deeply honoured and excited to be named captain of Samoa's triathlon team. Leading such a dedicated group of athletes is a privilege. I look forward to supporting my teammates and helping us achieve our goals together," she said.

"As captain, I aim to foster unity and support within the team, ensuring every athlete feels valued and motivated. I plan to work with coaches and the federation to improve our training and resources. I’m also committed to raising triathlon’s profile in Samoa and developing future triathletes."

Her journey as a triathlete started when she was in Robert Louis Stevenson Secondary School. Her inspiration came from one of her teachers, Cassidy Jackson.

"My triathlon journey began with the encouragement of my athletics coach Cassidy Jackson (JC) from Robert Louis Stevenson Secondary School. As a triathlete herself, she inspired me to participate in races," she said.

"I joined with my sister, Galo, and we were welcomed warmly by the Samoa Triathlon community, including figures like Lani Young, Darren Young, Bertie Poort, Line Mulitalo, and Ray Reupena. Triathlon quickly became a passion for us, offering a comprehensive fitness challenge."

Triathlon has become a family event. Her family actively supports her journey, and she is encouraging her younger sister, Tuifeamalo, to give it a try. She believes it’s a blessing to have their involvement.

"To promote triathlon in Samoa, I hope to help our executive board organise local events like mini-triathlons and training clinics to introduce the sport to all ages," she said. 

"Partnering with schools to include triathlon in physical education programs could spark interest among youth. Sharing success stories and emphasizing triathlon’s benefits—such as health, discipline, and resilience—will inspire more people to participate."

Some challenges come with being an athlete and Manamea is not an exception. She is also faced with challenges as a triathlete.

"Balancing triathlon training with my responsibilities as a student and a prefect in my final year of secondary school is challenging. Academic and family responsibilities require careful time management," she said. 

"Despite these challenges, the Samoa Triathlon coaches and leaders have provided a supportive environment for us to train safely and excel. They treat us like family, helping us manage our commitments while striving for excellence. 

"And of course, with my family helping me to get to where I need to be and keeping me focused on my goals. They provide mental support and help me give myself grace when I am overwhelmed. I know without them I wouldnʻt be the triathlete I am today.

"Triathlon is about more than competition; it’s about personal growth and community. I encourage everyone to try it, regardless of fitness level. My involvement in triathlon has inspired my uncle, Maota, to start running again and this has led my dad, Alan, to join the runners as well. 

"I also want to acknowledge my two mums: my late mum, Manamea Schwalger, who always encouraged me, and my mum, Lumepa Hald, who keeps me grounded. I’m blessed with many supporters who keep me in their prayers and hearts. Of course, I give praise to our Heavenly Father who gifts me with the talent, dedication and passion to do triathlon."

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 05 September 2024, 9:00PM
Samoa Observer

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