Finding where I belong: Aiono's Manu Samoa journey

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 26 July 2024, 2:00PM

Izaiha Moore-Aiono, the Manu Samoa flanker is very proud of the opportunity to represent his family and village in the blue jersey.

He debuted against Italy on 5 July and was the first on the score sheet.

He is of Maori and Samoan heritage and said he had not had the opportunity to understand either of the cultures.

"When I got the call to have the chance to represent my family and serve this beautiful country Samoa on the highest stage and the prospect of bringing exciting rugby back to the people of Samoa a no-brainer for me," he said.

"I was most looking forward to learning to speak and understand Samoan and fully immerse myself in the culture. Finally, the most important one for me was to proudly represent my family and villages of Fasitoo-Uta and Sataua, Savaii."

Aiono's rugby career started with London Irish where he played for eight years before being made redundant in May 2023 making nine appearances for his club. 

"During my time there, I represented England U19 against Wales and England U20s against South Africa. After leaving Irish, I played four games for Northampton Saints becoming Saint #2074 playing my most memorable game against the Barbarians. I then finished the rest of the 2023/24  season off at Ampthill Rugby in the championship making 21 appearances," he said.

His rugby career went downhill but he never let it affect him as a player. He continues to play the sport that he loves and will continue to do so.

"I believe the biggest challenge athletes face is adversity. I struggled a lot throughout my career, biggest one for me was the coaches I've been with who would say that I was not big enough to be a rugby player in my position and it took a toll on my ability to play at one point in my career," he said.

Aiono reminisces that his favourite memory from the islands is being able to return and spend time with his grandparents Max and Val Aiono and his extended family that he does not see too often. Speaking on the two test matches, he was grateful for each of his teammates.

"I think why we had success in our July campaign is the bond that we grew as a group off the field and it paid dividends on the field, we played for one another and grew in confidence as the weeks went on. "

His role models off the field would be his parents, Rudal Aiono and Aroha Lam, and off the field would be Ardie Savea.

"My parents have sacrificed so much for me and my siblings to put us in the best position to succeed in our paths. However, Ardie Savea is my idol on the field. I feel I am a similar player in many aspects and I try and take a lot from his game and try and implement it into mine."

He leaves for France on Friday and will return on 4 August for the Pacific Nations Cup.


Rugby union
Samoa Rugby Union
By Vaelei Von Dincklage 26 July 2024, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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