Apia Rugby builds fautasi

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 23 July 2024, 7:00PM

The oldest rugby club in the country is building a fautasi to commemorate their centennial celebrations and to date they have spent $60,000 on the traditional craft.

Member of the Apia Rugby Club committee Faualo Harry Schuster said the work is not yet done. 

"A name has not yet been decided for this new fautasi as our village needs to be part of that decision," he said. 

"Our committee's job is to build the fautasi. This goes towards the materials and other resources. We are up to the costly part as we need fibreglass for our fautasi to make it last.

"The work is estimated to be finished in five to six weeks. It will be done before our rugby tournament kicks off. Then we will commission our work, but we are not sure when it'll be out in the sea for a competition as the priority is on CHOGM so there is no competition this year but maybe next year's Independence. 

"But the most important thing is to have a fautasi as you can't go to a fautasi race without one. So whichever race comes first, that's the one we will compete in." 

The fautasi is being built by the men of Apia. It is 96 feet long, with 23 seats and 46 rowers with one seat at the end for their drummer. Apia had a few fautasi in previous years competing in previous competitions. While the village is helping out, the major sponsor for the fautasi is Sheraton Aggie Grey's Hotel and Bungalows.

Faualo said the hotel has always been helpful to the village and thanked Frank Lu for his consideration towards the village.

"We've had a fautasi that competed in previous years called the Vineula. When Laauli Allen Grey arrived and coached our rugby team, he revived one of our fautasi called Kionasina," said Faualo.

"That fautasi for over 10 years never lost to any fautasi. After Kionasina came Tamarina and Little Rina. Allen gave Little Rina to Toamua. So, now our village has been working together to build this fautasi for the younger generations."

Faualo also added that there is a lineup of events for the 100th-year celebration. Apia is one of the villages that played rugby when it was introduced to Samoa. 

"Our Tausala Online on the 17th of August, our Corporate dinner on the 6th of September, and the week after Teuila which is on the 12th to the 14th of September, we will be hosting a rugby tournament called 'King of Rugby'," said Lefau. 

"We've done this tournament ages ago and we've added a fautasi. Our village is a sports village, we play in any sports."

Another member of their committee Tuiletufuga Mamea Ropati shared his hopes about their fautasi and the history of Apia when they participated in fautasi racing in the previous years.

"As you can see our fautasi is not fully done but we had hoped that this fautasi would compete in the Teuila but since our country will be hosting CHOGM it won't be possible," he said. 

"We had a fautasi before but it was damaged perhaps it was due to bad weather. We humbly ask people who are from our village to help build our fautasi and this is for all of us. 

"Our village will be participating in any fautasi race that might come up and the way I see it this is the number one fautasi in Samoa."

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 23 July 2024, 7:00PM
Samoa Observer

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