Vaimo'oi'a Ripley is a history maker

By Sulamanaia Manaui Faulalo 17 June 2024, 4:00PM

As the countdown to the 2024 Paris Olympics begins, Vaimo'oi'a Ripley, the trailblazing Samoan sailor is gearing up to make history as the first female Samoan sailor to compete in the Olympics.

Vaimo’oi’a’s involvement in the Olympics could significantly impact the future of sailing in Samoa and the wider Pacific region. 

In an email interview, Ripley expressed her hopes for the future of sailors in Samoa and highlighted that athletes from small island nations can compete at the highest levels.

"My participation in the Olympics has the potential to inspire a new generation of sailors in Samoa and the Pacific region," said Ripley.

"By showcasing our capabilities, I aim to elevate the profile of sailing in the Pacific and encourage more youth to pursue this rewarding sport that has strong linkages to our heritage as the custodians of the largest ocean in the world,” added Ripley.

She believes that with resilience and dedication, the possibilities are endless. Ripley’s success is not only charting a course for herself but also paving the way for future female sailors in Samoa.

Ripley's journey from the serene waters of Samoa to the global stage of the Olympics is an inspiring testament to perseverance and dedication. At the age of eight, Ripley’s passion for sailing was ignited at Apia Yacht Club in Mulinuu. Every weekend, their aunty and first sailing coach, Raema von Reiche, would pick them, their siblings, and cousins up to sail.

“Growing up in Samoa, surrounded by a sporty family who loved the ocean, I have always felt a natural connection to the water. My first experience on a sailboat was exhilarating,” said Ripley.

After 11 years away from the sport to focus on studying and work, the passion for sailing reignited for Ripley in 2019. Since then, she has been fully committed to pursuing her love for sailing. Reflecting on the significance of representing Samoa in the 2024 Paris Olympics, Ripley expressed, "Representing Samoa in the 2024 Paris Olympics is a tremendous honour and a dream come true. It's an opportunity to showcase the talents and resilience of Samoan athletes on a global stage.

“This moment is particularly significant as I will be the first female Samoan sailor to compete in the Olympics, paving the way for future generations. It means representing my heritage, my community, and the spirit of the Pacific.”

Vaimo'oi'a's unwavering determination and resilience have propelled her to overcome numerous challenges in her sailing career. She emphasised, "Sailing has presented numerous challenges, from physical demands to logistical and financial hurdles. Overcoming these challenges has required resilience and a strong support network,"

When asked about her training regime and preparation leading up to the Olympics, Vaimo'oi'a shared, "My preparation involves working closely with a team of mentors and professionals to ensure a holistic approach to my training. We have recently started working with a coach, who has supported us virtually and will be our coach at the Olympic Games."

Ripley's preparation involves working closely with the President of Samoa Sailing Association, Raema von Reiche, and mentors such as Paul Davies and Jeff Loosemore, their technical advisor Robert Ripley, and sports psychologist Seiuli Salamasina von Reiche, to ensure a holistic approach to her training.

Setting her sights on the 2024 Paris Olympics, Vaimo'oi'a articulated her goals with unwavering determination, stating,

"My primary goal for the 2024 Paris Olympics is to perform at my best and make Samoa proud. I aim to achieve a personal best in my sailing category and gain valuable experience competing against the world's best sailors,” said Ripley.

In an inspirational message to aspiring female sailors, especially those from underrepresented regions like Samoa, Ripley urged aspiring female sailors to be proud of their identity and embrace your heritage.

"To aspiring female sailors, particularly from underrepresented regions like Samoa, I want to say: trust in God and believe in yourself and your dreams," said Ripley.

By Sulamanaia Manaui Faulalo 17 June 2024, 4:00PM
Samoa Observer

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