N.B.S. supports weightlifting team with $10k donation

By Talaia Mika 25 September 2023, 5:11PM

The National Bank of Samoa (N.B.S.) has stepped forward to support the Samoa weightlifting team with a donation of SAT$10,000 in preparation for upcoming tournaments.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer on Monday, the Chief Executive Officer of N.B.S. Papalii Sam Swann said this is the first time they have donated to the weightlifting team, whose ongoing success in putting Samoa on the map inspired them to step forward. 

"As National Bank is the bank of Samoa, we are happy to be part of supporting the team in their journey," he said. "We know there's a lot of work ahead of them and we're proud of the work they have done that put Samoa on the map, they're world-class in terms of what they have chosen to do and we know God will bless them in their journey.

"And if we can be part of that and we get blessed when we can, we're definitely happy and humbled to be a part of that journey. As part of the National Bank of Samoa, we're looking to support as much as we can.

"This is the first time and I think we've contributed before through S.A.S.N.O.C. [Samoa Association of Sports and National Olympic Committee] but this one we've done directly and we've discussed this will be the start of many more.

"We saw the profile, we saw the need in their work, there's a lot of work they've got to get to, a lot of places they travel to and that'll cost and if we can help support them in their journey, that's what we're going to do."

The $10,000 donation was presented by Papalii at the N.B.S. headquarters at the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour (M.C.I.L.) building.

Asked about more donations from the bank in the future if the ongoing success continues, Papalii said: "Definitely".

"I'm definitely sure that there will definitely more chances for many more but our first priority is to help them get there and let them do what they do best."

Coach of the weightlifters, Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork received the cheque on behalf of the team, who were also present at the event and who acknowledged N.B.S. for coming on board amid their preparations for the Olympics and the other remaining tournaments this year.

"We're just grateful really to the C.E.O. and the National Bank of Samoa and the management for this opportunity," he told this newspaper.

"As the C.E.O. alluded to earlier, this is the first time we're making a partnership with N.B.S. and it's a partnership we're looking to grow."

Samoa will host the upcoming Oceania Games next week, which will see Oceania countries compete in Samoa, and having the N.B.S. on board is a blessing according to Tuaopepe.

"The motto of the weightlifters is to go for gold which means National Bank is now named the golden bank in partnership with the weightlifting," he said. "It is the N.B.S. and the weightlifting team's goal to work together towards the end of this year as well as the Olympic Games next year."

Meanwhile, N.B.S. is the first bank that has donated to the weightlifting team for their preparations for the remaining tournaments this year as well as the Olympics in 2024.

By Talaia Mika 25 September 2023, 5:11PM
Samoa Observer

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