Recruitment starts for new Toa Samoa head coach

By Alexander Rheeney 15 August 2023, 9:56PM

The recruitment drive for a new head coach and a coaching team for Toa Samoa is a priority for the new executive of Rugby League Samoa and starts this week.

The recruitment drive by the R.L.S. comes on the back of the exit of the former Toa Samoa head coach, Mau A Pule Matt Parish last week, which followed the annual general meeting of the governing body early last month that saw the appointment of a new executive led by President Fiu Faaolatane Ponifasio Vasa.

The R.L.S. issued a statement late Tuesday night saying it is prioritising the recruitment of a new head coach and coaching team with expressions of interest for all roles on the team to be put out this week in preparation for upcoming international rugby league fixtures.

The new executive of the code's governing body in Samoa is headed by President Fiu, Toilolo Klaus Stunzner (Vice President), Laulu Lafao Leauanae Tuugatiti Leo Leauanae (Secretary), and Tavui Mike Lemisio (Treasurer).

Overseas media including the Sydney Morning Herald have already speculated on the next coach for Toa Samoa and quoted the former coach Mau A Pule as saying his Toa Samoa assistant during last November's Rugby League World Cup, Daniel Holdsworth is an ideal candidate.

“No one can doubt the footy IQ of the Johns boys but coaching is different,” Parish told The Sydney Morning Herald. “I don't think appointing someone without club experience has any merit. 

"I think it should be Daniel Holdsworth. He's young and driven. He's in a very good coaching system at Cronulla under Craig Fitzgibbon working with Steve Price and Josh Hannay.

“But the most important thing is that he's been with Samoa at the World Cup and understands the culture. The boys love him and respect him.”

Ultimately, the recruitment process for the next Toa Samoa coach will be overseen by the new R.L.S. executive with Fiu acknowledging the success of the last executive, which culminated with Toa Samoa making the historic grand final of the last RLWC in England.

“They leave the organisation and the game in a strong position from which to build and grow in the years ahead," Fiu. "While we are excited to welcome an injection of new energy and expertise into the governance of Rugby League Samoa, we will work closely with the former executives to ensure a smooth transition. 

"Their advice and mentorship will be a key part of our ability to continue their great work. As a new executive Board, we are humbled to be asked to steer Rugby League Samoa into this next chapter of a modern era for our sport.

"We have already seen how one team from a small Pasifika nation can inspire people all over the world. We have always loved and treasured our own national teams on the world stage; we are looking forward to leading the organisation into a more innovative and progressive future.”

The new R.L.S. executive board has set clear objectives for the next six years. They include the development of a strategic plan, with a focus on local development, starting from grassroots initiatives such as primary and secondary schools.

"R.L.S. is firmly committed to nurturing local talent and creating pathways, beginning with grassroots development in schools through to the national resident teams for both men and women," said Fiu. 

As an integral part of the strategic plan, RLS is cementing its pre-World Cup commercial arrangement with Pacificast Agency with a formal arrangement that sees it taking on new revenue and brand generation, commercial responsibility and stabilising financial management.

"We are pleased to reaffirm the alliance agreement with Pacificast, entrusted with overseeing all commercial agreements on behalf of Rugby League Samoa," added Fiu. “This strategic partnership will serve as a catalyst for building stronger financial outcomes and securing a prosperous future for rugby league in Samoa.”

At the AGM convened early last month, the RLS president for the past 12 years, Tagaloa Fa’afouina Sua did not seek re-election, saying that it was the right time for him to step down. Tuimatafele Fritz Tuavi’i, who was secretary general for R.L.S. for more than 15 years, also exited to take up an appointment as Samoa’s Chef de Mission to the Olympics 2024 and Fiaai Peter Paul, who served as Vice President of R.L.S. for many years did not seek re-election.

By Alexander Rheeney 15 August 2023, 9:56PM
Samoa Observer

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