U.S. students take on national volleyball team

By Gutu Faasau 10 June 2023, 10:27AM

Samoa women’s national training squad faced off against the Utah Valley University women’s team in a friendly match to help with their 2023 Pacific Games preparations. 

This year marks the sixth time the Utah Valley University head coach and Samoa native, Sam Atoa returned home with his women’s volleyball team the Wolverines.

"It's fortunate to be back in Samoa and have the opportunity to play one of the teams here. One of the main reasons we are here is to do humanitarian work, to serve, this is an opportunity for our kids to serve and to learn about the culture of Samoa," Atoa said. 

"Every four years we are allowed to bring a new team. We were supposed to come last year but we had to postpone it. We are happy that we were able to make it this year." 

Atoa and his volleyball team last visited Samoa in 2018. The trip's focus has always been dedicated to humanitarian aid in Samoa. While the volleyball team is present in the country, it calls for sharing and showcasing talents with Samoa's local athletes.

Every year since 2010 Atoa has returned to Samoa and has brought a container of donated items to assist with Little Sisters of the Poor, Samoa Victims Support Group, Special Olympics, various Primary schools, the National Hospital's Pediatric Ward, Sports Club and other organisations and people in need.

"We will continue to do our service for the next few days we are here, the weather has been great, we are just very humble and grateful that we're here."

While in Samoa, the Wolverines had a friendly match with the Samoa women’s national training squad at the N.U.S. Gymnasium on Thursday night. Building up to a final selection of Samoa’s women’s national squad for the Pacific Games 2023, this match played a vital role for the coaches, officials and athletes when they went against the Wolverines.

A valiant effort by Samoa's training squad but the victory went to the visiting team. However, the girls enjoyed the challenge and saw where to make improvements. Atoa and his Wolverines arrived in the country on Friday 2 June 2023 and will return next week Wednesday 14 June 2023.

By Gutu Faasau 10 June 2023, 10:27AM
Samoa Observer

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