Local designer gets Minister's help on stage

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 29 August 2022, 12:00PM

Local fashion designer Theresa Grace Finau shined on the stage with her choice of apparel that was showcased during the LIFE-Con Season 5 finale on Saturday night.

But it was the decision of the Finance Minister, Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo to accept her request – to walk out with a line of apparel that were themed around "Empowered women, Empower women" – and made her night.

"It was a golden honor and a rare opportunity of acceptance from a politician. Her outfit was designed by both of us, she and myself and my seamstresses to adjust and sew," she told the Samoa Observer.

"The Minister did hers with a lot of details and drawings to articulate her preferred design, it's a true privilege that she accepted our request.

"She accepted our invite the next day after she received it."

Ms. Finau said she got good feedback from the Minister, who enjoyed the experience of doing the catwalk during the finale night.

She said based on the theme of her clothing line of "Empowered women Empower women", all the models came in with their ideas on how to design their own outfits.

"The main purpose of my line is to have sharp colors, plain outfits which go with my theme 'corporate wear', the first ever in Samoa," she added.

According to the local fashion designer, all corporate wear are designed by they and she brings out the colour while they help with the design.

"All these ladies are professional designers, they can put something together with love and passion in fashion, from scrap to gold.

"I want to have peace in life, want women to support other women of all ages, what we teach now, we teach our daughters and our granddaughters and great granddaughters to live free and to be an entrepreneur in any talent from God.

"There is a saying in Samoan E au le inailau a tamaitai. It means women can change the world."

For the designers at Finau USO 685, Ms. Finau said fashion means having the courage to step out "with your best foot forward onto a frightening stage and say without saying it is perfectly alright to be in the spotlight."

"In life, the world is our stage and we are here to say it is perfectly alright to step out and dare to take on life, unafraid and strong! 

"For as words from the book of Proverbs 31:25 goes: Strength and dignity are her clothing; and she smiles at the days to come.”

The creative director also acknowledged people who donated to assist her cause, such as her own mother, Luisa Ah Kee Finau and pioneer designer and prominent business woman, Su'a Frieda Paul as well as Beatrice Seumanutafa, Crista of Treasure-box, Afitu Vaatofu Rossi of Paddles Restaurant, as well as Siua Patu and her friends in the U.S.

She also acknowledged her her hardworking seamstress who've been working tirelessly in the lead-up to the finale on Saturday night. 

"My Filipino seamstresses for the hard-work night and day and her patience to my last minute changes from here and there, sleeping ka'agulu (snoring) on couches due to not enough sleep and sometimes I lost my appetite and forgot to eat," she said.

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 29 August 2022, 12:00PM
Samoa Observer

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