Matagialalua Friendship Park opens in Apia

By Gutu Faasau 26 August 2022, 9:31PM

Samoa Government leaders and China's Ambassador to Samoa officially opened the Matagialalua Friendship Park in Apia on Friday evening.

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata'afa and Ambassador Chao Xiaoliang joined Samoa Government officials and Chinese Embassy staff as well as members of the public to witness the official opening. 

Guests included Transport Minister Olo Fiti Vai and Tourism Minister Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster with tourism industry representatives and the Opposition Leader Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi, whose Administration kicked started the project in 2018. Due to delays brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the park was completed in February this year.        

Fiame was full of praise of the new China-funded landmark and said it complimented the Government’s overall waterfront plan and is an auspicious landmark in the heart of Apia.

“The Matagialalua Friendship Park is one of many exciting developments borne out of the vision of the Apia Waterfront Development Project and Plan launched in 2016,” she told the guests.

“A key objective of the Waterfront Plan was to enhance the remaining public spaces along the Mulinuu to Taumeasina waterfront, for community enjoyment, and to offer a diversity of commercial opportunities. 

“The goal has been to create a safe environment and modern space that connects people and places and which will allow our people and families, visitors from abroad and tourists to relax in natural surroundings and enjoy leisure and recreation in a safe, culturally friendly and favourable atmosphere.”

According to the Prime Minister, it was also fitting that the opening of the park was also a part of the program of the commemorative celebrations of Samoa’s 60th Independence anniversary.

“The Friendship Park captures the principles of good urban design in its layout and the new infrastructure incorporates unique features of our culture which blend well with the natural environment.”

Mr. Xiaoliang said it was an honour for him to hand over the project to the Samoa Government and he congratulated all the parties involved in its successful completion and handover.

He also thanked the municipal government of Guangdong Province in China for funding the project with work starting in December 2018.

“Last but not the least, I would like to especially thank the Samoa Government, particularly the Prime Minister and the many friends of Samoa for your strong support and cooperation during the construction of the project which ensured the smooth progress of the project,” Mr. Xiaoliang said. 

“The Friendship Park is a sign of the further deepening of practical cooperation and friendship between China and Samoa as well as a concrete manifestation of our traditional friendship since the establishment of diplomatic relations 47 years ago.”

“The two countries have achieved fruitful cooperation outcome in the field of infrastructure, pandemic, education, agriculture, medical care etc.”

The Friendship Park has six main features, according to the Prime Minister, which include a lawn amphitheatre; a children’s playground; a mangrove tidal garden and timber boardwalk; an open sports court area for multisports; three fales; and large open fields with tree gardens in between for the public to relax.

“Your Excellency Ambassador Xiaoliang, this project would not have been possible without the generous financial assistance and support of the Government of the People's Republic of China in partnership with the Municipality of Huizhou City of the Guangdong Province.  We thank you very much!”

In 2018, a Framework Agreement was signed between our two Governments to bring this project to life. The Friendship Park was designed in collaboration between Huizhou city and the Apia Waterfront Project team. The name reflects the warm and cordial relations and friendship enjoyed by our two governments for over 46 years now. 

Fiame added that the Friendship Park project has not escaped the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic which led to delays.  

“This said, I am pleased however that despite the challenges, the launch of the Friendship Park has fit in well with the re-opening of our international borders and our 60th Independence celebrations,” she said. 

“The Friendship Park has complemented well what the Waterfront Project had begun and will continue to work in, in the near future in the improvement of Apia’s public spaces.

“I understand that discussions are already underway for the launch of the recently completed Arts & Culture Centre at Malifa, the second project funded through the unique partnership with Huizhou City and I look forward to its opening in due course.

“To conclude, on behalf of the Government and the People of Samoa, I would like to extend to the Government of the People’s Republic of China, and the Huizhou Municipality our sincere appreciation of the generous assistance and ongoing support which has allowed us to witness this development of immense creativity, and an asset for the enjoyment of our people and tourists now and in the years to come.”

The total land area of the park is approximately 41,000 square meters and is located at the back of Central Bank of Samoa and the Fiame Mataafa Faumuina Mulinuu II Building with the Clock Tower Boulevard to the west and the Samoa Tourism Authority's cultural village to the east.

By Gutu Faasau 26 August 2022, 9:31PM
Samoa Observer

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