Lotofaga opens District Committee Centre

The Lotofaga Constituency opened its District Committee Centre on Friday with its local MP and Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa in attendance.
Fiame was accompanied to the official opening of the district centre by her Minister of Women Community and Social Development, Leota Laki Sio.
She then introduced the matai in her constituency to the Minister before the official program got underway with a prayer by a church member.
The Lotofaga High Chief Tupuola Koki Tuala gave an overview of their project and said the principle behind it was inspired by the Lord’s prayer.
"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread because it's what the Government is doing,” Tupuola said and pointed to the budgetary support.
"$200,000 was approved for Lotofaga and the Government stipulated guidelines for the centres which we followed.
“Changes to the building have been done to abide by Government regulations. The contract was signed on June 3rd 2022 and the work started on 20th June, it wasn't easy.”
The high cost of the material needed for the construction was high, according to the High Chief, consequently they went over their budget by $18,000. Nonetheless all the furnishing including plumbing and electricity cost $90,430.74 with the PUMA and EPC permits costing $850 and the machinery and trucks totalling $14,217.50
Tupuola said the first payment for the builders and labourers cost $8,000 for the first seven weeks which rounded off to a total of $113,499.24.
A total of $110,000 went to the building’s construction but the High Chief revealed that they again went over budget by 3, 499.24
"We added more for the workers and for the area between the big house and the office so it cost $15, 000 extra then we went over by 18,499.24,” Tupuola added.
"The whole work 14 per cent to labour and we finished that today so 83 per cent went to furnishings and machinery."
"There was a lot of funds given to the machinery. We also had to deconstruct a building that was there before," he said.
The total cost of the project was $128,499.24 with 18 per cent going to labour and 84 per cent to furnishing, said the High Chief.
"The cost went over the approved budget because the machinery was expensive as we had to spend a lot on the foundation for the center," he said.
"The cost of materials were raised too but our report will be handed in during the following weeks as it is part of the agreement with the Government.”
The District Committee Centre is also yet to get staff to mann the office with Tupuola with the District Committee still running the place.
"We have no staff yet so the committee is currently still operating the office," he said. "We need a sign in front plus insurance and we still need to pay the accountant.”
Minister Leota praised the work of the constituency and said their achievement did not need to be announced.
"Samoa is now celebrating upon your invitation today to your stampeding venture,” he said. “It is true you are a holy spirit, as you look after your kings, and majesties.
“You raise up and glorify kings too.”
The Minister also congratulated the Committee and the constituency for a job well done and indicated that the Government has laid out its plans, the District Committee is yet to be selected.
"The Government has laid out plans, the committee has been selected, staff are yet to be selected. I ask you dear district, don't discard our policies," he said.
"This is a new venture so we may make mistakes but let's not waste the opportunity.
“Let this be a place of refuge for anyone in the district. A place that isn't biased. A place blessed with God's presence just as we are blessed today.
"That it may reduce violence in families. I thank the guests. I also thank the Ministry who are directly involved with this program.”
Giving the keynote address at the official opening of her District Committee Centre, the Prime Minister also thanked the Government through Minister Leota, who leads the work that was being celebrated on the day.
"Leota, may you continue to work and be armed with strength to continue this important milestone," she said.
"I also thank our Constituency for your wisdom in allowing this project to take fruit.”
Fiame also acknowledged the various sectors of her constituency, specifically the village matai councils, the women's committees, youth and children as well as leaders of the churches.
She then thanked the chair of the Committee for the Constituency, Tupuola