S.A.M.E. reunites with Chamber of Commerce

By Gutu Faasau 05 August 2022, 1:00PM

The Samoa Association of Manufacturers and Exporters (S.A.M.E.) has rejoined the membership of the Samoa Chamber of Commerce and Industry after 10 years. 

The announcement of the S.A.M.E. returning to the Chamber's membership was one of the highlights of the Annual General Meeting which was held at the Taumeasina Island Resort on Tuesday.

Speaking of the significance of returning to the Chamber's membership, S.A.M.E. President Taulapapa Maria Leota said they saw the strengthens of becoming part of the Chamber in order to promote their businesses.

"We recognise that joining together as a united private sector will strengthen and promote our businesses," Taulapapa said. "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

The Chamber's President, Seulupe Michelle Macdonald, described the returning of the S.A.M.E. under the umbrella of the Chamber as a historical milestone. 

"A truly united private sector that is aligned on how we can work collectively on the challenges and opportunities for the private sector, in particular to advocate on issues impacting the growth of our private sector as the engine of growth for our local economy."

Seulupe added that the unification of the S.A.M.E. with the Chamber is crucial as now the private sector can continue to work with the Samoa Government as "one voice", in order to address policy issues for the benefit and development of the business community and the country's economy.

As part of the processes of the Annual General Meeting, the following officer nominees were elected and confirmed by the Office of the Electoral Commission to serve on the Samoa Chamber of Commerce Executive Council for the year 2022/23:

President:                                       Seulupe Michelle Macdonald

Vice President:                              Faasootauloa Sam Saili

Treasurer:                                       Tom Hogarth

Secretary:                                      Nadia Meredith-Hunt

General Members:                        Fuimaono Hugo Betham

                                                        Tofilau Fiti Leung Wai

                                                        Enele Westerlund

PSO Representatives: 

SHHA:                                           Tupai Saleimoa Va’ai

BOSA:                                           Tony Atilua

WIBDI:                                           Funefeai Oliva Vaai

SAME:                                            Taulapapa Maria Leota 


Immediate Past Presidents:       Jennifer Ula-Fruean

                                                       Masoe Norman Wetzell 

                                                      Tuala Leaega Pat Leota

By Gutu Faasau 05 August 2022, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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