Artist welcomes return to normalcy

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 03 August 2022, 1:00PM

It has been a long time coming for the M.A.D.D. Gallery owner, Papali'i Momoe Malietoa von Reiche with the gallery returning to normal business to also enable her return to her passion as an abstract artist. 

Elated at the return to normalcy which coincided with the opening of Samoa’s borders on Monday, Papali'i gave the Samoa Observer a recent tour of her gallery in order to draw insights on her type of art.

A spacious room separated by a wall bears her own creative paintings which she says are not traditional.

"These are modern art works. I am an abstract artist. I like to move forward with time when it comes to my art," Papali'i said. 

"When I illustrate I am realistic. When I paint it is more like your whole body, your whole feelings are moved.” 

Pointing to one of her paintings called tolina mago (picking mangoes) as well as another aptly called "one five nine", she said the art pieces are connected to her three daughters.

"The eldest Sala is one, Olga is five and Lefaga represents nine so the artwork is called 159," Papali'i said. 

The artist also made reference to a painting of desert-like depictions of Australian colours as well as artistic pieces with mixed shades of green and blues. 

"When you look at a painting like this, you don't see anything but at what it makes you feel. if it reminds you of something, memory or smell or whatever," she said.

Sculptures, pillows and lavalava also made up some of Papali'i’s collection and exhibition. 

"These are my experiments and not the usual conventional everyday art," she said.

"Every now and then we find artists that are different and bring them here to exhibit.

"The soft fabric is rarely made these days, but I use them because most people who come here like it, with my own colours that I choose.”

Papali'i also has a passion for children’s books and poetry books, saying: "We sell children's books and we also sell the recycled ones.

"We have a lot of these children's books which I sell for $10 tala and $5 tala. 

“The books are in Samoan and English and bilingual. I wrote them and illustrated them myself. The books are published locally so it is cheaper.

"I also hold children's classes which I enjoy. I love teaching children about art, because they are so receptive and happy to learn.” 

Currently, Papali'i is teaching at the National University of Samoa’s Arts Faculty and she often brings her students to her art gallery.

"I am focusing on design methods now and teaching the students on the importance of advertisement," she said. 

MADD Gallery now opens every day from 9am to 1.30pm. Interested visitors who want to know more can call Papali'i Momoe Malietoa von Reiche on telephone 7269245.

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 03 August 2022, 1:00PM
Samoa Observer

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