Sagaga No. 4, Faleata No. 2 open district centres

By Victor Ale 25 June 2022, 10:34PM

The Sagaga No. 4 electoral constituency officially opened its district committee centre on Saturday with the Acting Prime Minister among guests who witnessed the commissioning. 

The opening of the centre was attended by the Acting Prime Minister Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio, the Minister of Finance Mulipola Anarosa Molioo, Sagaga 4 M.P. Tagaloatele Pasi Poloa as well as guests and residents of the district.

A sermon led by a pastor and the blessing of the centre by a pastor kicked off the commissioning program. The building of the centre was funded under the Government's SAT$200,000.00 grant for each constituency to set up their district committee centres. 

The construction of the district committee centres marks the first phase of the Government's District Development Plan, where SAT$1 million will be distributed to each constituency for their development projects.

The completion of Phase 1 is a requirement according to Mulipola for each district to qualify for their SAT$1 million grant. 

With the completion and official opening of their centre on Saturday, the Sagaga No. 4 constituency is edging closer to fulfilling all the requirements of the Government, which will open the door to the SAT$1 million grant in the new fiscal year.

The district committee centres will act as “administrative offices” for the management of the Government's SAT$1 million project in every district. 

Another electoral district that officially opened its district committee centre was Faleata No. 2.

Faleata No. 2 was the first of all the 51 districts to complete and officially open its district centre last Friday. The opening was attended by the Minister for Commerce Industry and Labour, Leatinu'u Wayne So'oialo as well as Cabinet Ministers and Faleata residents and guests.

The Government’s SAT$1 million grant has come under a lot of criticism from the leadership of the former ruling party Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P.) with the party’s leader and suspended Lepa M.P. Tuilaepa Dr. Sa'ilele Malielegaoi saying last week that his constituency has received “not one sene from district grants”.


By Victor Ale 25 June 2022, 10:34PM
Samoa Observer

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