Saleaumua celebrate; recall fautasi race win

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 01 June 2022, 10:24PM

Saleaumua celebrated the 60th Independence anniversary with an early morning march with Reverend Pati Vili recalling a historical win by the village in 1962.

The E.F.K.S Reverend Pati Vili told Samoa Observer that the villagers were happy joining the country in the celebration and supporting the Government's independence program. 

"We were delighted to celebrate together with the country, and especially to support the program as laid out by the Government for this year's celebration of independence," he said.

"This day was also important because it is the 60th year that our village fautasi called 'Faatalatala se mata e emo' won the fautasi race in the Independence of 1962.

He then made reference to the Tuiatua keeping the flag all these years which was raised with the Samoan flag to mark independence on Wednesday morning. 

"The flag of our fautasi was raised alongside the flag of Samoa's independence this morning, after the church service," he said. 

"We had a parade in the morning, then the church service. After that we raised the flags. We also had a feast and a fiafia to conclude the event of the day."

 Former Member of Parliament, Tafua Maluelue Tafua gave the keynote address to the people gathered at their flag raising ceremony. 

He told the villagers that to celebrate the country's 60th year of independence, each resident of the village should pay tribute to the sacrifice made by their ancestors. 

"We must remember the hard work that our forefathers did to have us arrive here," he said. "I am one of elders in the crowd here and I can recall when there was no sealed road. 

"The roads were sealed in the eighties but before that it took us three hours to go to Apia and another three to come back.

"Some of us can remember that when we wanted to go to Apia, we had to inform the bus driver to pick us up from our home, to get to our homes, the bus drivers had a challenge with the roads."

Tafua then said life was not easy in the past and it was only through the hard work and contribution of everyone who lived at that time that their village is blessed to date. 

"Our village may not have had good roads back then, but it was prettier than most of the villages along the coast, our parents made sure that it was decorated and clean," he said. 

Acknowledging the various former prime ministers and naming each one of them, he then made reference to the children attending the celebration with the adults.

"Your contribution to our independence is through your attendance today. In the future, you will look back and you will tell those generations that in 2022 you attended the 60th independence celebration of our country and you will be proud too."

With that Tafua wished everyone well and told the children who participated in the march to remember their ancestors and do well for the sake of their village and country. 

"You must remember to do your best, to be a contributor to your village, your church and your country," he said. 

Meanwhile, Satitoa village celebrated the 60th independence anniversary with a parade and two floats decorated by the women of the village. 

Ruta, a resident of the village, told Samoa Observer that they too had an early morning start.

"We started early with a service then we had the raising of the flag and then the parade with all the kids and villagers," she said. 

Other villages such as Samusu and Mutiatele also joined in the celebrations and vehicle processions to celebrate the day. 

By Fuimaono Lumepa Hald 01 June 2022, 10:24PM
Samoa Observer

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