Vaimauga no1. M.P. removed from Parliament

The Vaimauga No. 1 MP Sulamanaia Tuivasa Tauiliili has been removed from Parliament for a day, after he yelled during a heated exchange in the House on Wednesday morning.
The removal of Sulamanaia from the chamber and precinct of Parliament followed the referral of his party leader, Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi and party secretary, Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi to be investigated by the Privileges and Ethics Committee.
Sulamanaia shouted “go fight” when he intervened in a war of words between the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Laauli Leuatea Schmidt, Tuilaepa and Lealailepule.
Lealailepule was unhappy with the Speaker not affording them an opportunity to speak in Parliament about the allegations against them.
The written complaint was made by Deputy Prime Minister, Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio against the Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P.) members for failure to uphold their Parliamentary Code of Allegiance amongst other allegations.
Tuilaepa took the floor in an attempt to make a statement in response to the allegations raised by Deputy Prime Minister.
But the Speaker Papalii Lio Masipau denied the request, telling him he will have the opportunity once the determination of the Special Committee is tabled in Parliament.
He added his response will be referred to the Committee and he will be given the chance to stand before the Committee.
But Tuilaepa hit back at the Speaker, saying the decision to deny his request was biased, given the allegations by Tuala had already been read out in the Parliament but not their response.
This led to Leala intervening to support his party leader, who said the Minister of Agriculture should also be dealt with for alleged breaching Standing Orders, by discussing Parliament businesses on television prior to being formally announced.
The M.P. for Faleata No. 3 said La’auli is the one who is creating division and stirring up things.
While the Speaker tried to calm the House, Laauli took the floor and told the Members to have respect for the Speaker.
At this point Tuilaepa intervened to back up Leala and accused La’auli of being dishonest.
He told the Speaker they are not children and such actions by La’auli should be dealt with under Standing Orders.
But La’auli reminded Tuilaepa that he is the one who was found guilty by the Courts, not him.
He fired back at Tuilaepa to stop disrespecting the Speaker of the House and should acknowledge his efforts to restore order in the House.
“He is the Speaker of the House for Samoa that you should respect…”
It was then that Sulamanaia took the floor, reminding the Members to heed the Speaker’s orders.
When the Members continued to shout from each side of the chamber, Sulamanaia then shouted out for them to fight.
This led to the Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa interjecting, and asking what is the meaning of the behaviour by the Vaimauga No. 1 M.P. to scream in the House under the Standing Orders.
She then moved a motion for the Sergeant at Arms of the House to have him removed from Parliament.
The motion was seconded by other Members. Sulamanaia has been stood down for a day and will be able to sit in tomorrow's session.
Parliament debate continues.