Samoa's population surges past 200,000

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 28 April 2022, 6:39PM

The preliminary count of the country's total population in November last year recorded an increase of over 4,000 to push the total number of people in Samoa to 200,010.

When the last census was held in Samoa in 2016, the total number of citizens and residents at that time was 195,959. 

The Minister for Women Community and Social Development, Leota Laki Sio confirmed the preliminary results of the Population and Housing Census 2021 in a press statement. 

The latest census enumeration was conducted from 18 October to 16 November 2021. The preliminary count indicates a total population of 200,010 persons in which 51 per cent males and 49 per cent females. 

“This compares with a total population count of 195,979 persons at the last census conducted in November with no changes in the gender composition,” said the Minister. “This census is held every 5 years and the recent result indicates a net increase in Samoa’s population of 4,031 over the five year period.” 

Leota is also the responsible Minister for the Samoa Bureau Statistics.

The census results have been compiled using the geographic dimensions of four statistical regions (Apia Urban Area, North West Upolu, Manono and Apolima, rest of Upolu and Savai'i) in 51 political districts (20 in Savai'i and 31 in Upolu, Manono and Apolima) and 343 villages. 

Leota said this is the first census that the Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) method was used to collect the data compared to the Paper and Pencil Interview (PAPI) method used in the previous census. 

“It is also the first time the population has been tabulated based on the new distribution of political districts and villages used in the national election by the Office of the Electoral Commission in April 2021.”

The results of the latest Census will help inform the public of the changes that are taking place in the population count of Samoa and the impact of the changes on social and economic development within villages and communities.  

In addition, the Minister also noted the support and assistance of one of Samoa Bureau of Statistics donor partners, in particular the UNFPA in the census exercise. 

He also acknowledged the strong cooperation by all the household respondents in providing the information requested and made special mention and recognition of the 220 temporary workers involved in the collection of the census data. 

By Matai'a Lanuola Tusani T - Ah Tong 28 April 2022, 6:39PM
Samoa Observer

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