Businesses, movement permitted during Easter weekend

Businesses are permitted to open during the Easter long weekend except Sunday in compliance with the current State of Emergency (S.O.E.) Orders, says the National Emergency Operation Centre.
The restricted trading hours from 6am to 2pm also means members of the public are free to move around during that 8-hour period.
Clarifying the restrictions for the long weekend, N.E.O.C. Chairman Agafili Shem Leo said the S.O.E. Orders are still in effect and expire Tuesday next week.
He said should businesses decide to open during the 6am to 2pm trading hours then their employees' working hours will be categorised as public holidays.
“Our current proclamation for the State of Emergency is reviewed every four weeks by Cabinet,” Agafili said during a virtual press conference on Thursday.
“The current S.O.E. Orders are made every two weeks which began on Wednesday last week as announced by the Prime Minister and assented by the Head of State.
“The S.O.E. Orders we have now are in effect throughout the holiday up until Tuesday next week when that period [of 2 weeks] concludes.”
According to a Ministry of Commerce Industry and Labour (M.C.I.L.) public notice, this Friday 15 April, Saturday 16 April and Monday 18 April are to be treated as public holidays to celebrate Easter.
“Shops selling goods may open during Public Holidays in accordance with the provisions of the Public Holidays Act 2008,” the notice stated.
“However, employers for private businesses are advised to comply with relevant provisions under the Labour and Employment Relations Act 2013 regarding employees working on Public Holidays.
“Please note the Amended State of Emergency ‘SOE’ Order #76 issued up until Tuesday 19th April 2022 is in effect. Accordingly the public and private sector must adhere to this order.”
The M.C.I.L. Acting Chief Executive Officer, Fepuleai Roger Toleafoa signed off the notice.
Under Alert Level 2 some amendments have been made to S.O.E. to help reduce congestion in public places and to assist slow down new COVID-19 community infections.
At the same time Level 2 provide space for government ministries and corporation, private sector and civil society to operate businesses and deliver services required for the country.
These amendments include: Opening hours for all business and shops from 6 am to 2pm Monday to Saturday; no business or shop to open on Sunday; church services to reopen but restricted to 30 people; funerals restricted also to 30 people; and other gatherings are allowed but restricted to 15 people.
Ferry services between Upolu and Savai'i will operate Monday to Saturday under Level 2 requirement. However, alcohol sale remains prohibited and all schools are to remain closed.