Government launches 5-year development plan

By Adel Fruean 26 February 2022, 10:00AM

The Government has launched its development plan for the next five years with a focus on empowering communities, building resilience and inspiring growth.

The “Pathway for the Development of Samoa (P.D.S.)” for the period FY2021/22 to FY2025/26 was officially launched on Friday at the TATTE Building.The event was attended by members of the Cabinet and Parliament, Diplomatic Corps, Government dignitaries, representatives of various national stakeholders, and members of the community including village representatives.

The event was hosted by the Minister of Finance, Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molio'o through her Ministry.

Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa spoke on behalf of the Government and said the P.D.S. document provides the priorities that will shape Samoa’s development for the next five years.

She said the national plan speaks to one central theme: to “empower communities, build resilience, and inspire growth”. 

“Realisation of this commitment will pave the way for the achievement of our longer-term vision of ‘fostering social harmony, safety, and freedom for all,” she said. 

“We live in unprecedented times. Over the last two years we have all witnessed a global pandemic; one that continues to affect the lives and livelihoods of our people, as well as Samoa’s economy. 

“Therefore, we are more committed than ever to empowering our communities so that they can cope with the uncertainties of today’s world and make the most of the opportunities as they arise.

“Our ambition is to inspire and instil growth among all our people but people cannot achieve this alone. Change for the better requires wide community engagement.”

Fiame added that meaningful collaboration and local ownership are crucial to social harmony and shared prosperity within our communities.

“It requires strong partnerships amongst all our sector stakeholders, and our development partners. 

“Together, we can forge a pathway towards sustainable growth and resilience.”  

Fiame emphasised that the P.D.S. describes five key strategic outcomes: improved social development; diversified and sustainable economy; security and trusted governance; secured environment and climate change, and structured public works and infrastructure. 

“Each key strategic outcome contains a range of key priority areas, commitments and expected outcomes.

“Social development sits at the forefront of our national efforts and our Government will forge ahead with measures to build capacities, minimise vulnerabilities, and provide equal access to opportunities.

“These building blocks for the pursuit of long, healthy and fulfilling lives depend on there being a sustainable and diversified economy that promotes shared prosperity for and within our communities.

“While outcomes matter, how we choose to pursue those outcomes is equally as important. We will therefore protect people’s rights, ensure the integrity of governance systems, and secure partnerships that can benefit Samoa.”

She also said environmental conservation and sustainability remain crucial in building resilience, and the Government will strengthen measures towards climate change mitigation, adaptation, and disaster risk management. 

“In parallel, we will invest in affordable, resilient, and well-maintained infrastructure, so providing the platform upon which overall sustainable development can be pursued.

“On our journey towards the achievement of the outcomes stipulated in this plan, we will, without a doubt, be met with challenges and moments of uncertainty. 

“However, as a people bound by a shared responsibility for development, our collective commitment to the careful navigation of the roadmap that is the ‘Pathway for the Development of Samoa’ will indeed foster social harmony, freedom, and safety for all.”

Fiame thanked all who contributed to the formulation of this document including village communities, the private sector, civil society, non-government organisations, development partners and Government institutions.

“I commend all your efforts and generous support to not only the formulation of this new P.D.S., but also to the execution of the preceding national priorities," the Prime Minister said.

“We are confident our collaboration will continue to pave a greater future for the people of Samoa.”

By Adel Fruean 26 February 2022, 10:00AM
Samoa Observer

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