Samoa gathers for Christmas worship

The Samoan people marked Christmas celebrations through church services on Friday night and Saturday morning.
Various church denominations across the country held services on the theme of commemorating Jesus's birth through songs while others acted out plays.
One of the churches to also hold a service on Friday evening was the Congregational Christian Church Samoa (C.C.C.S.) at Vaigaga.
The service was led by Reverend Tautua Aurelio followed by gospel songs and dances by the church's youth group.
Rev. Tautua said that an important message for everyone during this Christmas celebrations is to remember that the birth of Jesus symbolises the birth of light in the world.
He made reference to the story of Jesus's birth and also mentioned an angel visited Mary the mother of Jesus to tell her of the good news.
"Remember Jesus is the light of the world," he said.
"Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through him.
"We pray for those in need, those who are hungry, and those who are sick, not forgetting the elderly and even the young children.
"We also pray for those who are lost and do not know you Lord."
Rev. Tautua also said that with everything that is happening around the world.
"We must not forget God is powerful and rules over our world.
"May we welcome Christmas through God's will and love upon each and everyone of us."
The country, especially Apia, is decorated with Christmas lights while some members of the community also decorated their homes with lights.