Aoga Fiamalamalama ends year on high note

By Marc Membrere 09 December 2021, 7:42PM

The Aoga Fiamalamalama school at Alafua held a prize-giving ceremony on Thursday to celebrate and mark the end of a successful academic year.

The prize-giving ceremony was attended by students, staff, families and friends to celebrate the academic achievements of the various students enrolled.

The school has a total capacity of 50 and currently has 43 students enrolled.

In an interview with the Samoa Observer on Thursday, the Principal of Aoga Fiamalamalama, Sharon Suhren said she was happy about the student's achievements throughout the year.

"We do the same subjects as the mainstream schools but what we do, we modify the lessons so that the children are able to understand and participate in the subjects," Ms. Suhren said.

"For example, maths, science, communication which is language and we do health and we also do vocational and music and drama, and also sports." 

She said that their subjects look at the students in a holistic way and not just their cognitive development but their whole person.

"And today because we don't have exams, we go and check their, we test them if they know their colours," she said.

"If they know the numbers, if they can understand the problem solving, things like that and if they are aware of their environment, this is where the science comes in.

"So a lot of the stuff that we do is often according to the ability of the children so we don't have classes like the normal schools. 

"We don't have dux but if there's someone who has made a lot of progress in a particular showing of understanding and ability then we reward them."

Ms. Suhren said the 2021 academic year has been a huge success and she was encouraged by the effort that the students of Aoga Fiamalamalama made.

She said they also found out throughout the year that students enjoyed hands-on practical education rather than listening to lessons.

The importance of vocational subjects was also emphasised with the students choosing the school which will assist them in their future.

"So we also try and look at that, where do they go from here, so we stress the importance of vocational and subjects in the school, like cooking, gardening, handicrafts and also do music," she said.

"That's one thing that the children love, they love music."


By Marc Membrere 09 December 2021, 7:42PM
Samoa Observer

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