Afega voters appeal for district hospital

By Adel Fruean 06 November 2021, 11:22PM

A new district hospital for the village of Afega was among the issues that voters highlighted during the Fa’atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.) party’s roadshow on Saturday. 

With less than three weeks left before the by-elections, the 18-month-old party has held three roadshows in one week with two held on Saturday and last Friday. 

More than 100 people from the Sagaga No. 2 constituency gathered under tents and under trees to hear from the new Government at Afega.

Attendees included the Prime Minister, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, the F.A.S.T. Chairman La'auli Leuatea Schmidt as well as Cabinet Ministers and Associate Ministers. 

Three candidates have been officially endorsed by the F.A.S.T. for the Sagaga No. 2 seat. They includes Fata Meafou, Fata Ryan Schuster and Faalogo Ivin Chan K. Tong.

They will be up against Fa’amausili Siona Tauafao and Maulolo Tavita Amosa, who have been endorsed by the Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P.) and an independent candidate, Vaotuua Michael Toevai.

The villages in the Sagaga No. 2 constituency include Malie, Afega and Tuanai. 

Fiame said that the event is an opportunity for the Government to reveal its changes that have been implemented in just 13 weeks since coming into power. 

She also emphasised the importance of the rule of law and what Samoa's ancestors and forefathers fought for the independence of the country to be ruled by its own people. 

“Tuilaepa said that their loss is attributed to having too many candidates…even though we have three candidates, I hope a F.A.S.T. candidate will still win," she said.

La'auli then talked about the Government's policies that have been implemented in the past 13 weeks and the hurdles they faced along the way.

He said that the changes they have carried out were for the benefit of the people of Samoa. 

“However, please be patient because Rome was not built in one day but some of the changes we have passed include a raise of pensions from $160 to $200," he said.

“We have noted that there was a district hospital at Afega to avoid ambulance sirens sounding from Salelologa to Moto’otua [where the national hospital is at].”

Laauli also said that each district will receive $1 million under the Government's constituency grants for them to run projects for the betterment of the people.

“It is our belief that the development of each district lies within its people while we provide the financial support.” 

A member of the public in the constituency then asked for assistance for agriculture projects while a woman in the audience raised concerns about the absence of a district hospital in Afega.

“We had a district hospital in Afega but along the way it became a health center but by now, there is nothing," she said.

The woman shared the struggles of having to go to Leulumoega District Hospital and how it affected those who were ill.

“If an elderly father or mother gets sick by the time they get to Apia, there are complications but if we have our own [hospital]…the number of diabetes patients, high blood pressure have risen please have a look at this for our constituency.”

She also made reference to the three Lands and Title Court (L.T.C.) bills that were passed into law last year by the former administration which has reshaped Samoa’s judicial system as well as amended the Constitution.

In response to the appeal for a new district hospital, the Minister for Health, Valasi Tafito Selesele said according to records the reason why the district hospital at Afega was downgraded was due to its close proximity to the sea.

 “It was because of its close location near the sea, there were impacts from the sea waves on the roof and building," said the Minister.

“But there is an opportunity is there is land located inland that the constituency will decide.”

Valasi then referred to a similar situation in the past where a district hospital was relocated inland.

One woman expressed concerns at the lack of acknowledging women chiefs (matai) in the Afega district with another highlighting the political division within the constituency. 

Fiame, in response, said that these are sensitive matters which she hopes can be resolved internally. 


By Adel Fruean 06 November 2021, 11:22PM
Samoa Observer

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