Fuiono eyes Falealupo once more

Fuiono Tenina Crichton is ready to try once again to secure the seat of Falealupo in the seat's upcoming by-election.
He is the governing party's candidate for the only electoral constituency on the big island of Savai'i to go through a by-election as a result of election petitions.
Fuiono contested in the April election but he did not succeed.
He was second to Senior Lawyer and daughter of former M.P. for the Falealupo constituency, Leota A'eau Tima Le'avai.
However, the successful candidate from Falealupo, Leota resigned from office in July triggering a by-election for the electoral constituency of Falealupo.
A month later after Leota resigned, closed to a hundred constituents of Falealupo traveled over to Upolu to officially present Fuiono to the Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.) camp as their candidate for the by-election.
In an exclusive interview with the aspiring politician and High Chief from Falealupo, Fuiono said he is only following the wishes of his constituency.
"It is them who asked me to contest in the first place," Fuiono told the Samoa Observer.
"They again, have approached me and asked me to contest once again, so that's why I am taking up this challenge again."
Fuiono who has been a matai for so many years strongly believes that he understands the needs and wants of the constituency and he is hoping to represent them in parliament.
While Fuiono said the constituency has shown and confirmed their support for him in the upcoming election, he said he would not be surprised if there would be someone to challenge him.
He said he is preparing for the challenge and would welcome anyone who wishes to challenge him for the seat of Falealupo.
Fuiono Manuele, a high chief from the village has confirmed that the majority of the village have all agreed that Fuiono Tenina should run unopposed in the constituency's by-election.
He said the constituency had met several times to discuss the issue and they have agreed for Fuiono to be their representative.
"We had a meeting where we all agreed to present Fuiono as our M.P. and that he would run unopposed if we had a by-election," Fuiono Manuele said.
The F.A.S.T. party has started revealing their candidates for the upcoming seven by-elections. Falealupo is the only constituency in Savai'i to go through a by-election.