Project to improve water quality in Upolu and Savaii

By Adel Fruean 19 August 2021, 3:00PM

A record of discussions agreement has been signed between the Japan International Cooperation Agency in Samoa and Samoa Water Authority to officially kick start a project to improve water quality in identified villages from Upolu and Savai'i.

The project is titled: “Capacity Enhancement Project for Samoa Water Authority in Cooperation with Okinawa” to phase 2 (C.E.P.S.O. 2).”

The signing ceremony was held on Tuesday this week. 

The Resident Representative, Hoshino Akihiko with the Project Formulation Advisor, Iwata Shoichi of the JICA Samoa Office were joined in the formalities by the Samoa Water Authority Managing Director, Fuimaono Dominic Schwalger and his Management Team.

In a statement issued by J.I.C.A. Samoa, the C.E.P.S.O. phase 2 of the project will specifically contribute to the improvement of water quality in identified villages from both Upolu and Savaii.

“The project aims at improving the two Water Supply Schemes (W.S.S.), namely Fuluasou EU, Upolu and Palauli, Savaii,” read the statement. 

“The outputs of this phase envision that people living closer and served by the Schemes will enjoy safer and a more stable water supply.”

Furthermore, the capacity for water distribution management (water balance analysis/water pressure control) is enhanced in Fuluasou EU W.S.S. and Palauli W.S.S.; the capacity of leak detection (measures of physical losses) is enhanced in Fuluasou EU W.S.S. and Palauli W.S.S. ; the capacity for pipeline works and leakage repair (measure of physical losses) is enhanced in Fuluasou EU W.S.S. and Palauli W.S.S.; The capacity for meter reading and billing (measures of commercial losses) is enhanced in Fuluasou EU W.S.S. and Palauli W.S.S.; the internal training system is established in S.W.A.

The implementation of the first phase of the C.E.P.S.O. project began in August 2014 for the purpose of capacity development of S.W.A. through the activity of Non-Revenue Water Reduction and Water Quality Improvement in town area. The first phase of C.E.P.S.O. was a five-year project funded under J.I.C.A. Technical Cooperation Scheme, targeting Alaoa Water Supply Scheme. 

The project saw great improvement in achieving ratio of water quality standards for treated water produced at Alaoa Water Treatment Plant exceeding 95 per cent. 

Compliance rate for Alaoa Water Supply Scheme endpoints as of January 2019 has a score of 100 per cent above C.E.P.S.O. target of 95 per cent. 

The second phase focuses more on exchanging knowledge, ideas and methods between experts from Japan and staff of S.W.A., as well as those among S.W.A. employees, and providing capacity-building opportunities in Japan to upskill S.W.A. employees currently in practical field works.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the project implementation schedule is still uncertain, but J.I.C.A. and S.W.A. are nevertheless communicating positively via remote systems and continuing project preparation online. J.I.C.A. is hoping to dispatch experts from Japan soon before end of this year. 

By Adel Fruean 19 August 2021, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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