Ministry welcomes back La'auli

By Soli Wilson 06 August 2021, 12:00AM

The returning Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F.), Laauli Leuatea Schmidt, and his new Associate Minister, Vaele Sekuini Paiaaua, were welcomed at the Ministry with a traditional ava ceremony on Friday.

Speaking to a sea of green gathered in the T.A.T.T.E. building Conference room, Laauli acknowledged the staff for their service in the past years together with the former Administration and established an open-door policy with the employees as he announced his cellphone number.

Laauli also rebranded the Ministry as a “family”, where he is the paramount chief (sa’o o le aiga) and Va’ele as the deputy paramount chief (sui sa’o) of the Agricultural family.

While Laauli is no stranger to the Ministry, it was Va’ele’s first time officially meeting the staff.

Va'ele was one of the fourteen Associate Ministers who took their oaths last week, an appointment he said is a dream come true.

The welcoming ceremony commenced with an opening prayer by Reverend Roseti Imo whilst M.A.F. Chief Executive Officer, Tilafono David Hunter, delivered greeting remarks.

“Today, this is my encouragement to our family: we cannot do anything if we are at odds,” he said.

“We also cannot achieve anything if we do not work together and understand each other.

“The ultimate goal of all this is that we work together for a prosperous Samoa and its people.”

La'auli, who is also the Chairman and Deputy Leader of the Fa’atuatua I le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.) party, was appointed to lead the Agricultural Ministry back in 2016 for Samoa's XVI parliamentary term.

However, on the 23 of August 2017, he stepped down from office following criminal charges filed against him by the Police. Last year, his name was cleared from all the charges.

On Friday, La'auli immediately credited the Lord for carrying him through the tough journey he took to get to where he is today.

He told the gathering that he had been praying for a chance to stand in front of the Ministry again, the organisation he believes is responsible for the backbone of the nation.

“This is the backbone of the country. In the early stages of our Government, no other Ministry pushed for the development of Samoa more than the Ministry of Agriculture,” he said.

“As you would have seen since the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, Samoa’s economy was sustained by the produce of our lands and no one can change that, however, things have changed since due to diseases and the effects of climate change.

“These issues led to our Government seeking opportunities elsewhere to sustain our nation. But I believe that whatever problems it may be, there is always a solution.”

Laauli noted that Samoa seems to have started neglecting the abundance of the lands and sea, and appealed to Ministry to ensure that everyone plays their role in ensuring that the agricultural sector thrives to sustain its people and economy as it once did.

He also addressed the Ministry’s close Chinese friends who have been working on the demonstration farm, part of the Samoa-China Agricultural Technical Aid Project (S.C.A.T.A.P.), thanking Senior Agronomist, Jim Liu for all the work he has done in Samoa for the past years.

“Liu, thank you so much, I haven’t seen you for the last four years, but you are my Chinese family,” said Laauli.

“And I thank you for all your hard work and all your support for our Ministry. I was hoping to be with you since the last time but I’m sorry I had to leave; I had to sort other things out.

“I’m back, as I promised you; I will be back, and so today I’m back.

“Thank you for all the help that your  nation has provided for Samoa, as China and Samoa are very close friends, so we hope you will stay here with us forever.”

Laauli with the support of Vaele is responsible for the M.A.F., Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa (S.R.O.S.) and the Samoa Trust Estate Corporation (S.T.E.C.) gathered to officially welcome the Cabinet Minister and his Associate.

By Soli Wilson 06 August 2021, 12:00AM
Samoa Observer

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