Improving quality service at Yazaki
“It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.”
With this quote, employees of Yazaki Eds Samoa marked the annual Quality Control Circle activity on Friday in a bid to improve the quality of their work and service to Samoa.
Held at the Congregational Christian Church Youth hall at Sogi, this is the first time they have invited members of the public to see what they do at Yazaki.
It was a full house with all the families and friends of the employees there to witness the divisions go to work.
Assistant Manager for the Human Resource Department, Papali’i Tate Simi, told the Sunday Samoan that the main purpose of the event is to improve the quality of the work.
“This activity provides them with the opportunity to look back to the work they have done throughout the year see where they can improve on and also their faults,” he said.
It is also done to motivate the employees.
“This is also a motivational activity for the employees here at Yazaki. This activity will give them the chance to look back at all the good work they’ve done and can motivate them to continue on the good quality work that they do at our company.”
The different departments were given three months to prepare.
“So each department was asked to prepare presentations on what kind of quality work they do and what are the counter measures they use at Yazaki.”
“It is usually held at work, with just the employees. But this is the first time we’ve opened it up to the community.”
“It’s always a good event and we look forward to it every year.”
Eleven departments competed and they each presented a 10 minutes long presentation to the judges and audience.