C.C.C.S Saoluafata's fond musical farewell

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 July 2021, 10:10AM

The Saoluafata branch of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa  (C.C.C.S.) successfully launched their second album with a concert on Friday night - one which coincided as a musical farewell to the church's leader of nearly four decades. 

The C.C.C.S church hall in Sogi was crowded with the attendees, not only the members of the church but also for their invites. All corporate tables were fully booked but that did not deter the audience from coming in to enjoy a night of entertainment.

The caretaker Minister of Women, Community and Social Development, Tuitama Dr Talalelei Tuitama, was part of the crowd, which was entertained by performances from the church's Sunday school, the church choir, and the youth group.

Reverend Elder Limua'a Samuelu told the Samoa Observer that he has been with the  C.C.C.S church in Saoluafata for 39 years and always maintained a focus on encouraging its younger members. 

He said that the latest album launch, composed by the church’s younger members, was proof that his focus was instilling enthusiasm for the church among the next generation.  

"I have spent 39 years with these children, the youth, the church, and of course these kids' parents, and I must say I am very happy with who they've become, and what they can do for themselves," he said with a smile.

"When I first started at Saoluafata, the youth itself was very hard to control, their attitude was something I was very surprised about. So it took some time for me to get them back on track, I know they were good kids they just needed a little guidance. 

“And I did and of course, it works. For the past years, I've been with them, I was able to nurture them and continue to work with them because in all honesty I love working with the youths.”

Those involved in the project are looking forward to performing for the church’s invited guests and just those who want to enjoy the music. 

"We are preparing for a wonderful night on Friday, we have sent out invites to our close partners, and we also have tickets sold here for whoever is looking for a place to take their children,” Rev. Elder Samuelu said.

“We have a variety of performances prepared for this night and we are really looking forward to it."

Rev. Elder Limua'a will take his pension leave in the next two weeks, and Saoluafata will be welcoming their new Church Minister the identity of whom is yet to be confirmed. (The church will vote on the question of his successor).

Rev Elder Limua'a said he hopes that the next Minister will maintain the church’s same dedication to its younger members. 

"These kids weren't born when I came, so I have watched them grow and I have known all of them by heart,” he said. 

“During our practices, if I see one kid missing I will go to his place and ask him why he didn't come. 

“I also scold them when they are not doing what they are supposed to do or disobeying me. But it is also out of love, I want to teach them how to be real Samoans, especially our culture. Respect is the number one thing in our culture and these kids have learned just that.”

Rev Elder was in tears as he reminisced about the early years he spent with the church; he said has grown to love his congregation has come to understand their every move. He hopes that their last event under his leadership will be a memory that stays with them for the remainder of their lives.

"This is our last event as their Church Minister for 39 years so we wish to keep it as a memorable one, and something that all these children will remember for their lives," he said.

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 July 2021, 10:10AM
Samoa Observer

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