M.W.C.S.D. launch 5-10 year plans

By Ueni Peauala Pauulu 05 June 2021, 3:00PM

The Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development (M.W.C.S.D.) officially launched their New Policies and Sector Plans for the next five to ten year period at the Taumeasina Island Resort on Friday. 

The programme started with a welcoming speech by the M.W.C.S.D Chief Executive Officer, Afamasaga Faaiuga Mulitalo, followed by a prayer led by Reverend Makesi Neemia (School Teacher at Malua Theological College). A keynote address was delivered by caretaker Minister Tuitama Dr Talalelei Tuitama. 

The programme featured interactive and fun group activities conducted by Fitiao Susan Faoagali (Assistant C.E.O. Research and Policy) with entertainment by Army of Kin Youth Dance Group from Vaiala.

The official launch of documents was honored by Tuitama and closing remarks given by Afamasaga. 

Afamasaga told the Samoa Observer in an interview that the main purpose of the event was to officially launch the five national policies that M.W.C.S.D. had put together with their partners, and also the official launching of the Community Development Sector Plan 2021-2026 and the M.W.C.S.D Strategic Plan 2021-2026. 

“The five national policies that we launch this morning [Friday] includes the second national disability policy, the second national gender equality policy and rights of women, the first national inclusive governance policy, the first national economic policy and the first family safety and ending violence national policy,” said Afamasaga. 

"So the whole purpose of this morning is to bring together partners, not only our working partners but the line ministries, the non-government organizations that work in the space of disabilities, gender, ending violence and economic developments."

The event also brought in the Ministry's development partners who have supported the work being done to address issues on violence against women and girls, promoting the right of people with disabilities, promoting opportunities for economic developments for unemployed young people, and particularly vulnerable families, said Afamasaga. 

Afamasaga said it was important to bring together everyone who works in different spaces, to acknowledge the completion of the policies.

"Because these policies and the plans that we launch this morning [Friday] provide guidelines for the work that we do together with our implementing partners and our services providers.” 

The Ministry head said the previous sector plan taught them many lessons to work on for the next five-year plan. 

“After the review of the last community development sector plan, we gathered the input and feedback from our stakeholders, again the Ministry and its partners would be embarking on economic developments, expanding the work development for our vulnerable families including our youths," she said.

She said they would also be expanding the work on social development by looking at avenues to promote the rights of women, promote the leadership opportunities for women, advocating for ending violence against women and girls and person with disabilities, and also looking at the health of the Samoan people. 

“So the other key area is mainly promoting partnerships that we are looking at in the next sector plan and the Ministry Corporate Plan, to strengthen our partnership working in collaboration with our partners not only our working partners but also our development partners,” said Afamasaga. 

She acknowledged the support the Ministry has been receiving from partners, mainly the Government of Australia through DFAT who are funding the Samoa Disability Partnership Program, and also the Samoa Women Development Program. She also referred to the support provided by UN Partners, UNICEF, UNDP, Spotlight Initiative, UN Women, UNFPA, and others. 

"Without their support we wouldn’t have been able to complete all these documents this morning,” she said.  

Afamasaga also acknowledge the great contribution of our communities for their participation in all the programs that the Ministry had put forward, namely the village councils through the Governments representatives. 

By Ueni Peauala Pauulu 05 June 2021, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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