Weightlifting team hauls in seven gold medals

By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 June 2021, 2:00PM

The SWA Samoa Weightlifting team has set the bar high for all sporting codes in Samoa with seven weightlifters bagging seven gold, four silver and one bronze medal during the International Pacific Online tournament.

SWA Samoa Weightlifting President Tuaopepe Jerry Wallwork confirmed the medal haul in an interview with the Samoa Observer on Wednesday afternoon.

"There are seven gold medals that the SWA Samoa Weightlifting [team] has just received, they won it in the International Pacific online tournament held in February this year," he said.

"This online tournament is open to all countries in the world."

The SWA Samoa Weightlifting team didn't record any loss to any team throughout the 10-week duration of the competition and successfully earned their new medals. 

The gold medalists are Jack Opeloge (89kg men), Iuniarra Sipaia (87+kg women), Sanele Mao (109kg men), Don Opeloge (96kg men), Petelo Lautusi (102kg men),and Bob Pesaleli (81kg men).

The silver medalists are Lesila Fiapule (87kg women), John Tafi (61kg men), Leotina Petelo (81kg women) and Tavita Leilua (77kg men).

The SWA Samoa Weightlifting team continues to train every day at their headquarters in Tuanaimato despite assisting the Manu Samoa sevens squad at one stage, but that didn't their focus from their determination to become the best in the region. 

The team continues to get more medals for Samoa despite the uncertainty surrounding their preparations for the Tokyo Olympics next month.


By Vaelei Von Dincklage 03 June 2021, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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