H.R.P.P. shifts to campaign mode

The Human Rights Protection Party (H.R.P.P.) has responded to the declaration of a new national poll by shifting into campaign mode and urging supporters to vote and “make it count”.
The party rallied its online supporters on Wednesday, hours after the Head of State, His Highness Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvii II, declared the 9 April poll void and announced fresh elections for 21 May.
The caretaker Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi, also addressed the upcoming election during his weekly programme with TV3.
Tuilaepa said that it remained up to God to choose the new Government.
He said that Samoa will have a “snap election”, which would include changes such as limiting a candidate’s ability to change their political party affiliation. Candidates will now only be free to withdraw from their seats, Tuilaepa said.
In its online statement, the H.R.P.P. said the Head of State had presented a case in which the composition of the next Parliament would be decided by either the courts or by the people.
“The H.R.P.P. have always held a perspective that is beyond the now and encompasses the whole regardless of political affiliation,” read the statement.
The party further said it was committed to the rights of its people because it supported placing the power to determine Government in the hands of Samoan voters.
“As alluded to by the Head of State, the warrant authorizing the budget for the current financial year 2020/21 expires on the 30th of June,” a post on its official Facebook page said.
“To await the decisions from the courts would run the risk of affecting Government services should the proceedings go beyond the warrant's expiry date.
“Therefore, despite the risk to the 26 successful candidates of the HRPP should Samoa return to the polls - HRPP have instead prioritized the 8,400 men and women employed under the Government of Samoa and their families as well as the rest of the country who rely on Government's services for their welfare, economic well-being, safety, and security.”
The party further adds: “H.R.P.P. has soldiered on silently with the sole objective of ensuring that Samoa's economy remains buoyant, its health remains secured and its borders well manned against the current threat of the COVID pandemic and the economic distress affecting other developing nations.
“Yes, H.R.P.P. has the option of being more visible on social media... of being more present at meets and greets so their pictures can be beamed and streamed worldwide to gauge the popularity vote... but that would be at the cost of the service that we have committed to do for our beloved country.
“We could be in the media too, holding multiple press conferences, smiling for the cameras, attacking statements made about and against us to engage a multitude of [social media followers] ... but again, this would be at the cost of the time that we need to ensure that the work we do to protect our nation, to secure its prosperity continues.
“To all our followers, we thank you for your support, we regret our absence and silence in the forums that you desire and see in the other parties... but rest assured, we are still here committed to #GaluegaFaaauau [continued work]... the promises you wish to hear, we would rather do so your eyes may see.”