Public library to go digital next year

By Krystal Selwood Juffa 26 April 2021, 3:00PM

The Nelson Memorial Public Library in the heart of Apia will begin steps towards the digitalisation of its inventory next year.

A staff member of the library told the Samoa Observer recently that there are plans in the pipeline to upgrade their inventory through a digitalisation project with the work scheduled for next year.

She said this upgrade, upon its completion, would enable users to access information at the touch of a button. 

“We don’t have a digital library yet but we will soon,” said the staff member who didn’t want to be identified.

Asked about book donations and progress it is making amidst the COVID-19 state of emergency restrictions, the librarian said they obtain the books for the public library from a variety of sources.

"We mostly get our books from donations, donated books and materials from various organizations as well as some individuals,” the librarian added. 

“The main book suppliers in Samoa are where they purchased their books at times. During Covid lockdown the library was able to receive book donations from the N.E.O.C. [National Emergency Operation Centre] as well as the Peace Corps office."

And while public libraries around the world continue to compete with online platforms for readership, the librarian told the Samoa Observer that they continue to look for ways to also have a collection of material available online.

The library has been a primary source of knowledge and a place of learning for over 60 years with students of all ages passing through its doors over the years.

Built in the centre of Apia town adjacent to the Town Clock, its central location made it a beehive for bookworms. Today the library has an American Corner, the Junior Section, Pacific and Samoan Collection as well as a Reference section.

The American Corner has an array of computers with free access as well as internet connection which is supported courtesy of a U.S. Embassy grant. 

The Junior Section opens to all children under 15 years of age where they can attend reading programs or borrow from a wide range of children’s books.

A library staffer said that tutorials are offered on Saturdays where lessons are available in English, Samoan and Mathematics. The library opens from Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm, and children’s programs run on Monday to Thursday 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

The public library operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Education Sports and Culture. 

By Krystal Selwood Juffa 26 April 2021, 3:00PM
Samoa Observer

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