Family seeks safe future for children
A family of ten on Upolu's east coast lives in constant worry about their family home and its vulnerability to bad weather.
The mother of the family, 58-year-old Fia Malaetaga was doing her normal chores on a typical Saturday afternoon when the Samoa Observer visited her home.
She has lived with her children and grandchildren in a traditionally Samoan built home for over a year. Their house can only be accessed through an inland road going uphill through the main East Coast Road.
Some of her children are married with children and live in a nearby home on their family land. Due to overcrowding within their family home, she continues to remain concerned for her family's welfare.
“So far, no one is employed in our family but we depend on our plantation for food supplies,” she said.
The mother says that the family's unemployment continues to be a major financial challenge.
“My concern is during times of natural disasters because we need a strong and well-built home to withstand the forces of nature through cyclones and strong winds," she said.
“But I am more concerned about my children and grandchildren because we all try and squeeze inside our small homes.
“And also, there are four of my grandchildren that attend school.”
Ms. Malaetaga told this newspaper that her only wish is to provide a better home for her children and grandchildren.
“I have six grandchildren living with us and some of my children are married; we are a family and we all stick together," she said.
“Life in Samoa is simple and laid back; we are blessed with whatever we have from God.
“We do normal chores such as looking after our plantation such as planting, taro, banana or cocoa trees to survive."
She also shared that she has close relatives who also work as seasonal workers abroad .
“I know we do not have much but we are blessed with life and yes we do offer our needs to God for his help.
“We are blessed with water and electricity supply but we still try and save some water as much as we can for various purposes."
If you are willing to help the family of Ms. Malaetaga, please contact the number: 7246599.