Constituency prepares for Sunday service
As one of three constituencies in Samoa with an unopposed candidate, life goes on in Lotofoga as the rest of the country eagerly awaits the general election outcome.
The Lotofaga M.P. Fiame Naomi Mata'afa is one of the three uncontested candidates in this year’s election, together with caretaker Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi and former Associate Minister Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi.
But the Lotofaga E.F.K.S. Reverend Elder Iosefo Uilelea continues to pray for a peaceful outcome of this year’s general election, despite their Member’s automatic entry into the XVII Legislative Assembly as the sole candidate for her seat.
"The Sa'ofaapito, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa's seat is uncontested as you know so here in our village we are not really busy with any election-related matters,” he told the Samoa Observer.
“However, we are continuing to uplift our candidates in prayers as the battle is slowly coming to an end.
"Our candidate may not be in the election this year, but we do hope for a better outcome.
“Right now, as you can see outside we are preparing for our service on Sunday as we were selected to lead our country with the Sunday service this week.”
The church service will be broadcast by the E.F.K.S. TV which Rev. Iosefo says is why they are cleaning the church and its surroundings.
“That's why my congregation is outside cleaning the whole field and our church that is just across our place.”
There were men, women, children and youth cleaning the area next to the church when the Samoa Observer visited the community on Thursday.
"We are cleaning for our church service on Sunday, nothing else,” added Rev. Iosefo.
“For the election, we want to wish all the candidates the best of luck and we do hope that great leaders will rise from this election.”
The service on Sunday will celebrate Fiame’s sole candidacy as well as the election outcome for this year.
"We hope that the Saofaapito will have time to come down and join us in this service.
“This service we'll also invite the Catholic Church and Assembly of God Church in our village so that we can come together as one and give thanks to the Lord for all he has done for us and especially our district."