MET. Office issues heavy rain, flood warnings

The Samoa Meteorology Division has forecast heavy rain which it warns could lead to rivers overflowing and flash floods and urged the public to take precaution.
Due to the forecast the Meteorology Division issued a severe weather bulletin at 5pm on Sunday (local time) that warned of heavy rain, flooding and strong wind together with maritime (marine) caution.
An area of extreme rainfall and gusty conditions associating with an active convergence zone to the northwest remains and is slowly moving over the group of islands.
The system is forecast to linger over Samoa until Wednesday this week to impact the country's weather conditions.
Heavy rain, windy conditions and swells will impact the country towards tomorrow [Monday].
For now, a wind advisory, marine and flood warning are now in force due to the approaching system while heavy rain warning was issued earlier in the [Sunday] afternoon before this deteriorating weather makes landfall.
Potential Impacts include: heavy downpours with poor visibility, gusty winds, foggy and slippery roads over mountain passes and ranges, pooling near roadsides and waterways.
Other impacts may include very rough seas and high surf and river overflows and flash flood.
Amid concerns over heavy rain leading to flooding and disrupting accessibility to the Moamoa Ford, the new school principal of Chanel College, Aleki Silao has expressed concern for the safety of their students and teachers.
“In terms of my new role as principal, I am concerned because with flooding we would be isolated,” he told the Samoa Observer.
He also added that there would be disruptions on school programmes if schools have to be closed due to inaccessibility from flooding.
“The school closes down when there is heavy flooding. Last year, we planned for the prize giving about mid-December 2020 but in the morning, it was a terrible experience.
“Due to severe flooding] we had to delay the prize giving and so it does affect the running of the school.”
He added that in the case of severe flooding the school might have to close for two or three days until it is safe to cross the ford.
In addition, he said that while the school is mostly impacted during times of flooding they are looking at other ways to educate the students through the internet.