Fanfare for F.A.S.T. at Gagaifomauga No. 3

Gagaifomauga No. 3 rolled out the proverbial red carpet to welcome their local M.P., and the founder of the Fa'atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi (F.A.S.T.) party and its members on Saturday.
La'auli Leuatea Schmidt joined three fellow parliamentarians, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa, Olo Fiti Va'ai, Faumuina Wayne Fong, and 50 candidates who will stand for office under the F.A.S.T. banner in the upcoming elections.
The F.A.S.T. members said they were overwhelmed by their welcome.
The homecoming for the F.A.S.T. founder started with a parade led by the Fagae'e Boyscout with boys and untitled men of the Faletolu (Fagae'e, Sasina, and Letui) who were dressed in white and black, lining on both sides of the roads.
A traditional ava ceremony was also conducted upon the F.A.S.T. members' arrival, at the Methodist Hall at Sasina.
Constituency elders commended La'auli, Fiame, Olo and Faumuina for displaying bravery by representing the wishes of their constituencies.
"The path you had to cross to get to where you are now was no walk in the park," Seve Avaula told the M.P.s.
The aspiring politicians were also encouraged by the elders of Gagaifomauga No.3. to "be brave."
"Without a doubt, the ruling H.R.P.P. will win only seven seats in the next parliamentary term," Seve said.
"That number is enough to make up an opposition party. The other seats are going to be occupied by F.A.S.T., and that is what's going to happen."
Seve then turned to former Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Minister and said: "Fiame, be prepared as your time to lead is near.
"You will become the first female Prime Minister for Samoa."
Reverend Panapa To'o of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, also took the floor and encouraged candidates and M.P.s to "keep the faith."
"As I sit and observe what is happening now, it reminds me of Jesus' journey to the cross," said Reverend Panapa.
"Remember when Jesus traveled to Jerusalem before his crucifixion, people shouted and cheered for him and even threw palm trees on the road he walked on.
"That came to mind as I see what's happening to our country, with the election time closer, and the roadshow your political party is conducting.
"But you have to keep in mind, the same people who shouted and screamed Hosanna! and gathered to see Jesus were the same people who shouted to crucify Jesus."
Reverend Panapa To'o told the "F.A.S.T. Aiga" (family) to be "alert, open-minded, and keep the faith."
"You have been preparing for the election for quite some time. However, the most challenging time for any occasion or event is when it is about to happen," the Reverend said.
"These are crucial times. Temptations will come at you from all angles and in different forms. But we are here to remind you all that if you believe in the name of your political party and keep the faith, you will overcome anything and everything.
"Go forth for God is with you! May we all have a safe election."
The constituency also presented the finest mats and tapa cloth as a token of appreciation to the F.A.S.T. party for the support and loyalty they had showed for their local M.P., La'auli.
Traditional gifts were also presented to the M.P.s and candidates; in return, the political party presented $30,000ST to the constituency.
The constituency of Gagaifomauga No.3. is made up of four villages. The only village not backing La'auli is the village of Aopo.
Last year, La'auli's seat was declared vacant following his verbal resignation from Parliament in June this year.
He entered Parliament as an H.R.P.P. member back in 2006. He was the Speaker of Parliament from 2011-2015 and became a Cabinet Minister after the 2016 General Election.
However, he was sacked from the H.R.P.P. in May 2020, after voting against proposed amendments to the Constitution and a prolonged back-and-forth with Prime Minister Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi.
When Parliament convened in June, the M.P. offered his resignation from Parliament after the Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics Committee found him guilty of contempt of Parliament and recommended that he should be suspended for three months without benefits.
He was then asked by the Speaker of the House, Leaupepe Toleafoa Fa'afisi to honor his resignation from Parliament by handing in a written resignation letter.
However, his constituency asked him not to tender a resignation, instead, start up a new political party. That political party is making a strong presence since its inception.