S.S.A.B. gives back to schools

Samoa Stationery and Books staff wore uniforms to honour each of their schools as part of a fundraising event for schools.
Last Friday the S.S.A.B. conducted a Facebook competition to donate financial and in-kind assistance to the winning school.
In addition, a total of 5 per cent from all purchases on stationery and educational products by customers will be donated to their respective schools.
Pesega College won the overall competition by having received the most likes and reactions to their school photo on Facebook and was awarded $1,000 in cash and a stationery voucher.
S.S.A.B.'s Chief Executive Officer, Tofilau Fiti Leung Wai, said that the theme of the event is education.
She explained that feeling of happiness and pride was shared among her staff as they wore the uniforms of their respective schools “to reminisce on memories from the times when they were in school.”
“The theme is about education, it is because that is the reason behind the establishment of S.S.A.B.,” she said.
Tofilau added that she started a bookstore to help address the needs of children in schools who needed books because at the time there were no good bookstores.
“Another important aspect to note about today is celebrating our schools and acknowledging our teachers and people that contributed to their academic journey," the C.E.O. said.
“I thought about them and I am very grateful because if it wasn’t for the teacher’s contribution and our parents we would not be here.
“They say education is the key to success; it opens up so many opportunities. When you are well educated, you do not lack confidence.”
She emphasised that the promotion was about people giving back to their schools.
“It is not just about wearing school uniforms and coming to work but at the end of the day, I always believe there is always a purpose of our activities," she said.
“I believe that God is our source of blessing and I always say this to a lot of people here be blessed to be a blessing.
"If God has blessed us through work, let us be blessings to our schools that helped us in our journey.”
The local bookstore also held a modeling competition with 13 contestants drawn from company staff members wearing their school uniforms with cash prizes on offer.
Tofilau thanked all of her staff for their commitment to the company.
As a way to reward to her employees, ten were chosen to participate in a 'cash cage' in which workers were given a chance to scoop up fast moving notes to the value of $5000.
Tofilau acknowledged Maiava Jody and Fata from their Pago partner company, Good in American Samoa, for providing the cash cage and for providing financial support for their employee of the month awards.