Wharf bust uncovers $350,000 in meth

By Joyetter Feagaimaali'i 03 February 2021, 12:00AM

The Ministry of Customs and Revenue (M.C.R.) has intercepted an incoming shipment of methamphetamine at Matautu Wharf with an estimated street value of more than $350,000. 

The seizure marks the second drug parcel which was part of the same shipment that had earlier led to a half-a-million tala drug seizure in November. 

This operation led to the seizure of methamphetamine valued at about $362,000, according to Ministry estimates. 

The drugs were confiscated by the M.C.R. and the Ministry of Police. 

The Commissioner of the M.C.R., Matafeo Avalisa Viali-Fautuaalii, told the Samoa Observer, Police investigations into the shipment are continuing. 

"We will issue soon a media release with brief details as the investigation is ongoing," she said. 

Matafeo told the Samoa Observer they are cautious about the amount of public information that can be disclosed in relation to the matter because involved suspects remain at large and could interfere with the judicial process and witnesses. 

"Other culprits in this operation know of this discovery or they will cover their tracks or [or threaten or] kill someone," she said. 

"Drugs are dangerous and what we found again is worth another NZD$200,000 (WST$362,000). 

"This consignment came from that same shipment which brought in the [drug shipments we discovered and seized on] December 23rd. 

"We held on to it while we made investigations."

By Joyetter Feagaimaali'i 03 February 2021, 12:00AM
Samoa Observer

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