Dux aims to return to teach at College

By Hyunsook Siutaia 21 December 2020, 2:00PM

This year's dux of Lepa and Lotofaga College is an aspiring educator who plans to return to the school and teach.

Eighteen-year-old, Lealofi Caroline Afegogo, attained first place in Music, Health and Physical Education as well as top honours at the school's Friday prize-giving. 

The dux is the daughter of Afegogo Sone and Sose Afegogo and a general student at the college.

"My aim is to become a teacher because I’ve seen the difficulties of what teachers go through ever since I started school and I want to reward back through service what the teachers have done for me and I want to be a teacher here at Lepa at Lotofaga College," she told the Samoa Observer.

Finances were a challenge throughout her education. But her families overseas and older siblings all contributed to overcoming those obstacles.

Her family lived off their plantation and piggery in Lepa which she helped develop.

"There were struggles along the way such as financial struggles and trying to financially provide for my school and what was needed for my education," she said.

"Even though I have older brothers who work and are earning money some days there’s so much going on and [things] tend to be slow especially this year during COVID-19.

"We don’t have a business but my aunts and uncles overseas have been such a huge help with my education and financially providing for my needs in school and [so have] my siblings who are working. 

"We have a really good plantation and piggery and that has helped develop our family and also with my education."

Lealofi also faced distractions from her studies which she said were all part of life for young students.

"Other struggles are just the normal struggles of life and social issues and it’s mostly my phone that's been such a huge distraction, and most of the time, my phone distracts me from my studies as I would be on Facebook," she said while laughing 

Lealofi was overwhelmed by her achievements on Friday.

But she said that she was just glad she had successfully completed the year with an achievement to make her parents proud. 

She also paid special tribute to her spiritual parents who were constantly advising her. 

"My spiritual parents, Lotofaga Lima and Tupuasa Lima have been a great push with my studies, always reminding and advising me to be the best and do my best," she said.

By Hyunsook Siutaia 21 December 2020, 2:00PM
Samoa Observer

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