Samoa Observer

Pound4Pound boxing a success

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Pound4Pound boxing a success

By Soli Wilson 23 November 2020, 6:00PM

A sudden power outage did not diminish the appearance of potential boxing talents in the Pound4Pound Vodafone Corporate Fight.

The boxing competition brought together a good mix of the corporate world and boxing fans on Saturday evening.

The Taumeasina night sky was lit alight as the participating male and female boxers went head to head in the ring starting from the 32 kilograms category.

For the main event, local TV Talanoa Lakapi personality, Va'aelua Aloi Alesana of Jane Travel Tours took and conquered the challenger in the form of Neal Stephen of Pure Pacific Water.

Vaaelua weighed in at 112.2kgs while Stephen was 111.7 kgs.

The two put up an impressive show of jabs and good defense as they both lasted throughout the three rounds.

Each punch was met with a ripple of cheers and encouragement from the crowd placed around the boxing ring set up.

Just as Vaaelua said during weighing in that his hands would do the talking in the ring, and his hands definitely spoke.

Prior to that, young amateur talents from various boxing clubs put up a spectacular show for the guests.

Each winner was presented with a sponsored trophy following the announcement of the results.

The brains behind the event is the President of Plantation Boxing and rugby legend, Fesola'i Va'aiga Tuigamala.

The event was opened with a prayer by Pastor Lenny Solomona at around 7pm with a backdrop of the Taumeasina sunset. 

Speaking during formalities was main sponsor, Vodafone Chief Executive Officer, Satish Sharma, saying it was an honor to be a part of the event and thanked the coordinators for approaching Vodafone.

The safety of each fighter was of top priority during each match.

As reminded by the President of Plantation Boxing, Fesolai Vaaiga Tuigamala, during the weighing of the fighters on Friday, the fighters were told to prioritise their safety.

"Please listen to the referees to ensure your safety. We can control what happens outside of the ring, but we have no control over what happens inside the ring, so it is wise to listen to the referees in-charge," he said.

By Soli Wilson 23 November 2020, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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