Former Speaker withdraws candidacy

A former Speaker of Parliament, Tolofuaivalelei Falemoe Lei'ataua, has withdrawn his candidacy to allow another matai from their village to run in the General Election.
The former Minister of Women, Community and Social Development, made the announcement this week when the Human Rights Protection Party candidates met at Petesa, Sogi.
In July this year, Tolofua registered his name to contest in the A’ana Alofi No. 2 seat currently occupied by Tautua Samoa Party candidate, Ili Setefano Ta’ateo.
But the former Speaker said despite his eagerness to run again and being a former M.P., he has decided to sit out the upcoming election.
“I have decided to follow the saying, he who conquers his impulses is greater than he who conquers the fortress,” Tolofua told the H.R.P.P. caucus this week.
“I had advised the [H.R.P..P.] Committee earlier some three months ago to note my name down for registration until a later date when the village meets.
“The village council met four times and there are still other candidates that want to contest and have decided not to go…”
Tolofua added he has decided to hand over the floor to Lei'ataua Niuapu Leiataualesa to contest the seat during the election.
Leiataua previously held the principal censor position at the Ministry of Justice Courts and Administration.
Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Dr. Sailele Malielegaoi and leader of the H.R.P.P. acknowledged the decision from Tolofua to withdraw his candidacy.