Magiagi ends term three with a bang

More than three hundred students at Magiagi Primary School have ended the third term with a bang, gearing up for White Sunday next week.
The school provided a preview of what is to come next week when students from year 1 to year 8 performed skits, dances and other items at their campus in Magiagi.
But it wasn't just the students celebrating.
Teachers also commemorated the International Teacher’s Day with their own performances.
Staff member, Taiali'i Pifolau Maota, said the celebrations provided a fitting to the school term.
“All the children deserve to celebrate the ending of this term as they have faced a lot of challenges with the change in the educational system because of the lockdown and all the other challenges," he said.
“So today, we’re very delighted to have celebrated the end of this term with some excitement for the kids and also for the teachers as well to commemorate to the International Teacher’s Day.
“For White Sunday, we felt that this year would be a bit too different from how it used to be in terms of celebrations for the kids so we thought it’s a great initiative to have done this to cheer them earlier on before that day comes.”
One of the challenges the teachers observed throughout the term is the absenteeism.
Taialii said many students have not turned up to school since the lockdown begun six months ago. He suspects that some parents are scared for the health of their children.
"For those absent students, we’re always dropping off their home work to do and advice the parents to educate them using televised education and those online educational programmes,” Taiali'i said.
The students will break for two weeks while teachers will have one week break.