Public service day celebrations

By Hyunsook Siutaia 03 October 2020, 6:00PM

The annual Public Service Day was celebrated yesterday by 19 government Ministries through dance, gatherings, skits and dress-up.

This year marks the 9th anniversary for the Day in Samoa.

The Chairman of the Public Service Commission (P.S.C), Aiono Mose Sua, told the Samoa Observer in an email that it was set to be celebrated last Friday 25 September, but had to be postponed due to a Cabinet Development Committee visit to Savaii.

“Most of the Government officials and C.E.O.s travelled to Savaii with the Cabinet, hence the postponement of the Public Service Day to this Friday 2n October,” Aiono said

“Priority is always given to any government-related matters.”

He said that Public Service Day celebrates government ministries, organisations and management and the importance of public servants and their service and contribution for the benefit of Samoa and its people.

“Different ministries celebrate through appropriate celebratory programs of their own,” Aiono said

“It is not a public holiday and all Government offices remain open and go about their daily service.

“And the programmes by each ministry for today should not affect the service provided to the public.”

The Ministries will report back to the P.S.C on how they chose to mark the occasion. 

The Samoa Observer visited some of the Government ministries such as the Ministry of Works, Transport and Infrastructure (M.W.T.I) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (M.A.F) and the offices were filled with decorations to mark the day.

The C.E.O. of M.A.F, Tilafono David Hunter, commented on the importance of the celebration as it acknowledges the hard work and tireless efforts of all public servants to serve the people of Samoa.

“On behalf of the Minister and Associate Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Management and Staff of the Ministry in the work they do to support our agriculture and fisheries sector and all our stakeholders and partners,” Tilafono added

The Ministry is determined to step up their game to ensure that they will continue to provide the service to Samoa and generate more money for Samoa.

“During this post-COVID-19 environment and the new normal that we are in, which has negatively impacted our economy and welfare of our people, the agriculture and fisheries sector needs to step up and help support our food security and nutrition,” he said

“And enhance our import substitution and especially agricultural and fisheries exports to bring in new money into our economy, and the public servants of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will play their part and support all our farmers, fishers, processors and exporters to realise these efforts.”

The Samoa Audit Office took to Facebook a video of good wishes for all public servants and officials. Assistant Controller Auditor General, Jaslyn Tuioti Mariner dedicated what was called a Jerusalema Challenge from the Samoa Audit Office to all public servants and officials both in Samoa and overseas.

“[We] hope that the Jerusalema Challenge inspires and encourage all our fellow public officials and servants as well as our fellow auditors around the world to continue to work together to assure good and ethical governance and assure the quality of life of humanity during these challenging and unprecedented times presented by the COVID-19 pandemic,” she said

“As we celebrate Public Service Day 2020, we are proud to be auditors and it is an honour for us to serve the people of Samoa through the services of the Samoa Audit Office.”

By Hyunsook Siutaia 03 October 2020, 6:00PM
Samoa Observer

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